1. Trained Immunity for Personalized Cancer Immunotherapy: Current Knowledge and Future Opportunities
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  2. Structure-based Discovery of Narirutin as a Shikimate kinase Inhibitor with Anti-tubercular Potency
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  3. Strain-specific behavior of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in A549 lung cancer cell line
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  4. Is Mycobacterium tuberculosis carcinogenic to humans?
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  5. Pan-cancer analysis reveals NUP37 as a prognostic biomarker correlated with the immunosuppressive microenvironment in glioma
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  6. Immunoenhancement effects of chitosan-modified ginseng stem-leaf saponins-encapsulated cubosomes as an ajuvant
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  7. Dark under the Lamp: Neglected Biological Pollutants in the Environment Are Closely Linked to Lung Cancer
    Dongjie Wang et al, 2024, International Journal of Molecular Sciences CrossRef
  8. Lung cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis: key features of molecular mechanisms of concomitant disease
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