Influence of p38MAPK inhibition on IL-1β-stimulated human chondrocytes: A microarray approach

  • Authors:
    • Helga Joos
    • Wolfgang Albrecht
    • Stefan Laufer
    • Rolf E. Brenner
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: May 1, 2009
  • Pages: 685-693
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Articular chondrocytes respond to extracellular influences by activating signaling pathways which change gene expression. One key signal transduction pathway of inflammatory joint disease is mediated by the p38MAPK which is known to be activated by the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β. We used the p38MAPK inhibitor SB203580 and a whole human genome microarray in an in vitro inflammation model to identify genes regulated by this pathway in human chondrocytes. We found that 1,141 genes were regulated by IL-1β, and 646 genes were regulated by the inhibitor whereas 116 genes were co-regulated by both substances. To elucidate the overall effect of SB203580, a GoMiner pathway analysis was performed which revealed involvement of versatile biological processes. Predominantly affected terms were ‘response to stimulus’, ‘oxygen metabolism’ and ‘ligase activity’. We discuss herein the relevance and function of affected fields including the involved genes and unexpected effects of p38MAPK inhibition as it relates to the context of cartilage. Our results do not predict a pro-apoptotic or cancer promoting effect and markedly extend the knowledge on p38MAPK inhibition in chondrocytes beyond primary target genes.

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May 2009
Volume 23 Issue 5

Print ISSN: 1107-3756
Online ISSN:1791-244X

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Joos H, Albrecht W, Laufer S and Brenner RE: Influence of p38MAPK inhibition on IL-1β-stimulated human chondrocytes: A microarray approach. Int J Mol Med 23: 685-693, 2009.
Joos, H., Albrecht, W., Laufer, S., & Brenner, R.E. (2009). Influence of p38MAPK inhibition on IL-1β-stimulated human chondrocytes: A microarray approach. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 23, 685-693.
Joos, H., Albrecht, W., Laufer, S., Brenner, R. E."Influence of p38MAPK inhibition on IL-1β-stimulated human chondrocytes: A microarray approach". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 23.5 (2009): 685-693.
Joos, H., Albrecht, W., Laufer, S., Brenner, R. E."Influence of p38MAPK inhibition on IL-1β-stimulated human chondrocytes: A microarray approach". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 23, no. 5 (2009): 685-693.