Information for Advertisers

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1. Digital advertising options

Price list 2013

  • MPU 300x250 pixels - €105
  • Standard leaderboard 728x90 pixels (top position) - €89
  • Advertising banners (eTOC sponsorship only) - €69
  • Standard skyscraper 160x600 / 120x600 pixels - €50
  • Direct emails €475 per 1,000 emails

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2. Advertising statistics

  • About 4,600,000 page views in 2013
  • 620,000 page views per month in 2014
  • 32,700 registrants
  • Google page rank: 5/10

3. Advertising Policy

  • Spandidos Publications is at the forefront of providing personalized advertising and sponsorship packages for our current clients as well as new customers. Advertisements are independent of editorial decisions and are scrutinized to ensure high standards are met and content is not compromised by commercial or financial interests, or by any particular arrangements with advertising clients or sponsors. Spandidos Publications therefore reserves the right to decline potentially damaging advertising or inappropriate content, including products and services that may be detrimental to health such as alcohol or tobacco products. Advertising deemed offensive in content or concept, or deceptive or misleading is unacceptable. As such, any advertising that may be offensive in either text or images or inappropriate with regard to racial, ethnic or sexual orientation will be rejected. Furthermore, advertisements should clearly specify the product or service being offered, and copy should be succinct, without over embellishing or overstating. Target advertising cannot be employed in the form of linking an article to key words or for a specific product (a product cannot appear in the same location as the specific article in which said product is mentioned). Similarly, no mention can be made to an article published simultaneously as the advertisement deployed online. Drug-specific campaigns are to comply with the relevant legislation (European and UK), available on the MHRA website. On submission of an advertisement marketing authorization and a summary of the product characteristics should be provided. In the case of drug advertisements, the full generic name of each active ingredient should be mentioned. Prescriprion-only medication for health professionals should be stated accordingly. Sponsored supplements should be identified and if a supplement has not undergone peer review or has undergone a peer-review process that is different from that of the journal, this must be stated. It is policy that the Editor(s)-in-Chief or Publisher retains the prerogative to remove advertisements once published online. Should any advert be requested beyond the Spandidos Publications standard advertising positions a request thereof should be made to the editors and a suitable response will ensue within three business days. Information pertaining to complaints concerning advertisements are to be included in the Advertisements page. Complaints can be forwarded to the editors. As Spandidos Publications partners with third-party advertising companies, it is inevitable that certain non-personal information (i.e., information pertaining to name, address, email address or telephone numbers will not be identifiable) may be collected to help show potentially useful advertisements on other websites.

Advertising complaints policy

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Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)

  • The Advertising Standards Authority investigates complaints concerning published medicine advertisements and ensures compliance with the British Codes of Advertising and Sales Promotion which includes a section on medicine advertising. It also monitors advertising in the press, direct marketing and sales promotion and on the Internet. Advertisements directed at health professionals are exempt from the British Codes of Advertising and Sales Promotion.

The Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA)

  • Complaints about the advertising of medicines supplied on prescription are considered by The Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority under the ABPI Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry Complaints which are made under the Code about promotional activities and promotional material are considered by the Code of Practice Panel, the decisions of which can be appealed to the Code of Practice Appeal Board. Reports on completed cases are published quarterly in the Code of Practice Review.