Prognostic prediction of a 12‑methylation gene‑based risk score system on pancreatic adenocarcinoma
- Authors:
- Published online on: April 27, 2020 https://doi.org/10.3892/ol.2020.11575
- Pages: 85-98
Copyright: © Dou et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.
Pancreatic cancer (PC) is primarily associated with diabetes, obesity, smoking and genetic conditions, such as germline pathogenic variants and somatic pathogenic variants in DNA damage repair (DDR) genes (1,2). Jaundice, weight reduction, back or abdominal pain, deep-colored urine, pale-colored stools and anorexia are the typical symptoms (3). However, at diagnosis, the cancer has usually metastasized (4,5). The mortality rate of PC is high and there were 411,600 PC-associated deaths globally in 2015 (6). Pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PAAD) is a common type of PC, accounting for ~85% of all PC cases (7). The survival rate of PAAD is very low and the 5-year survival rate was 5% in 2015 (8). A few prognostic indicators are now available for PC, such as C-reactive protein/albumin ratio and neutrophil/lymphocytes ratio (9,10). Therefore, it is of great importance to investigate the prognostic factors of PAAD for improved prediction.
It has been hypothesized that DNA methylation may provide a link between environmental factors contributing to cancer development (11). The stability of the genome and gene expression levels are primarily maintained by a pre-determined pattern of DNA methylation (12). It has been reported that DNA hypermethylation has prognostic value and acts as independent predictor of survival in other cancer types, such as head and neck cancer (13). A previous study reported an association between abnormal methylation of the Reprimo gene and genetic instability and poor survival following surgical resection in patients with PC (14). Hypermethylation of Cyclin D2 is also frequently observed in PC (15). Meanwhile, another study reported a significant difference in the hypermethylation frequency of ALX4, BNC1, HIC1, SEPT9V2,SST, TFPI2 and TAC1 between PAAD samples of stage I, II, III and IV, and these genes are significantly associated with distant metastasis of PAAD (16).
A number of clinical markers of PAAD survival have been recognized, including stage at diagnosis, grading and performance status and the treatment received, such as resection versus no resection and chemotherapy vs. no chemotherapy (17–20). It has also been reported that obesity and smoking are associated with a less favorable prognosis of PC (21). Cigarette smoking is associated with the development of ~20% of PC cases and is therefore a consistent risk factor (22). Bioinformatic databases may serve as a valuable tool to further our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underpinning the prognosis of patients with cancer.
The present study aimed to explore the aberrant methylation of genes associated with prognosis of patients with PAAD. The methylation data of genes associated with PAAD were obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database and screened for differentially methylated genes (DMGs) associated with prognosis. Subsequently, these data were used to construct a risk score system, which may be effective in predicting the prognosis of patients with PAAD.
Materials and methods
The methylation data for the training dataset was obtained from the TGCA database (accessed on 5th June 2018; cancer.gov/tcga), which were based on the Illumina Infinium Human Methylation 450 BeadChip platform. There were a total of 184 samples, 168 of which included prognostic information [mean age, 64.89±11.24 years (range: 40–88); male: female, 94/75; average overall survival time, 17.09±15.22 months; death: survival, 88/80]. The methylation data for the validation training set was obtained from the European Bioinformatics Institute ArrayExpress database (ebi.ac.uk/arrayexpress/), specifically the E-MTAB-5008 and E-MTAB-5571 datasets. The E-MTAB-5008 dataset consisted of 29 PAAD samples with prognostic information and the E-MTAB-5571 dataset consisted of 24 PAAD samples which prognostic information. Both of these datasets were sequenced on the platform of Illumina Infinium Human Methylation 450 BeadChip.
Screening of DMGs
To screen genes associated with PAAD prognosis, samples in the TCGA dataset were divided into less favorable prognosis (defined as a survival time <6 months and death) and more favorable prognosis (defined as survival time >24 months or alive) groups based on a previously described grouping method (23). The methylation loci of genes associated with PAAD prognosis were annotated and combined with the platform annotation information on the Illumina Infinium Human Methylation 450 BeadChip platform and the loci within CpG islands of the genes were selected and used for the following analysis. Using the limma package in R (version 3.34.7) (24), the DMGs between the less favorable prognosis and more favorable prognosis groups were screened according to the following criteria: |log fold change| >0.263 and false discovery rate (FDR) <0.05. Then, the Kernel density curve of the DMGs was generated by calculating the Log 2 (FC).
Identification of co-methylated genes based on Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis (WGCNA)
Co-methylation analysis using the WGCNA package (version 1.63) (25) in R was performed on genes located in CpG islands to identify differentially methylated CpG genes (DMCpGs). The sets of CpG genes with highly related methylation levels under the same biological process or in different tissues were considered as modules. The modules which had a significant association with the methylation levels were identified. The DMCpGs were mapped to the modules and the significant enrichment parameters and fold enrichment were calculated using a hypergeometric test (26). The DMCpGs enriched modules were screened under the following criteria: P<0.05 and a fold enrichment value of >1 was considered to indicate a statistically significant difference. Genes in DMCpGs enriched modules were recognized as key methylation genes and were analyzed using Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis (27) using the Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (version 6.8) (28).
To meet scale-free network distribution, the weighting parameter ‘power’ in WGCNA algorithm was explored. When the square of the correlation coefficient between log(k) and log[p(k)] reached 0.9, the corresponding value of parameter ‘power’ (power=7) was selected. Under power=7, the mean connectivity of genes was calculated to be 1. Subsequently, the adjacency matrix elements were serialized, and the topological overlap matrix was calculated to evaluate the correlation of gene methylation levels and obtain a system clustering tree. According to the standards of hybrid dynamic shear tree, pruning height (cutHeight) and the minimum number of module genes (minSize) separately were set as 0.95 and 50.
Correlation analysis for the expression levels and methylation levels of key methylated genes
The expression and methylation levels of key methylation genes in matched training PAAD samples were collected and correlation analysis was performed. Pearson correlation coefficients (PCCs) were calculated and the cor.test function (stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/stats/html/cor.test.html) in R Software was used (29,30). PCCs of single genes were also calculated and the genes with a negative correlation between expression level and methylation level were selected as key methylation genes for subsequent analyses. P<0.05 was considered to indicate a statistically significant difference.
Identification of the methylated genes associated with prognosis
Key methylation genes with a negative correlation between expression level and methylation level were further analyzed for prognosis associated genes. Univariate Cox regression analysis was performed to identify prognosis associated methylation genes using the survival package (version 2.41–1) in R (31). P<0.05 was considered to indicate a statistically significant difference.
Construction of risk score prognostic prediction system
The optimal combination of prognosis related methylation genes was screened using the Cox-Proportional Hazards (Cox-PH) model using the penalized package (version 0.9–50) in R (32). The optimal parameter of ‘lambda’ in the Cox-PH model was calculated through 1,000 cross-validation likelihoods (cvl) (33).
The risk score prognostic prediction system was constructed combining the Cox-PH prognosis coefficients and methylation levels of the selected optimized genes. The resultant formula was: Risk score=∑coef gene × Methylation gene where Coefgene and Methylationgene represented regression coefficient and gene methylation levels, respectively.
The risk scores of samples in the TCGA, E-MTAB-5008 and E-MTAB-5571 datasets were calculated and stratified into high and low risk groups according to the median risk scores. Kaplan-Meier (KM) survival curves (34) of the high and low samples were plotted using the survival package, which were compared with the prognosis of all samples. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) was compared, also using the survival package.
Correlation analysis between independent prognostic factors and risk score prognostic prediction system
Using the Cox regression analysis in the survival package (31), independent clinical prognostic factors were screened. Next, the relations between collected factors and the risk score prognostic prediction system were analyzed using KM curves.
Screening of DMGs
Median survival time of samples in the training datasets was 17.09±15.22 months, which is consistent with the time reported in PC (35). There were 13,903 methylation sites containing CpG islands in the training dataset. In TCGA training dataset, based on the predefined method for grouping, each less favorable and more favorable prognosis group had 19 samples, and a total of 1,067 DMGs between the two groups were identified (Fig. 1).
As shown in the Log2 Kernel density curve of the DMGs, 74.98% (800/1,067) of DMGs were significantly hypomethylated and 25.02% (267/1,067) were significantly hypermethylated in the good prognostic group (Fig. 1B). The cluster heatmap of the DMGs suggested that the samples with different prognoses in the TCGA dataset exhibited different methylation levels (Fig. 1C). Furthermore, as the feature factors had different weights in the calculation process for heatmap analysis, there was a slight crossover between good and bad prognosis samples.
Among the CpGs in the 1,067 DMGs, 309, 321, 118, 44, 185 and 90 CpGs were separately located in transcription start site areas, body areas, 5′untranslated regions (UTR), 3′UTR regions, promoter regions and the first exon regions (data not shown). The top 20 DMGs with smaller FDR values were screened and presented in Table I.
Identification of co-methylated genes based on WGCNA
A total of 10 modules were identified (Fig. 2A) and the detailed information of each module is listed in Table II. CpG island genes in 9 modules showed significant a association with methylation levels (P<0.05; correlation coefficients, 0.226–0.729; average correlation coefficient, 0.7742; Table II). The identified DMGs were mapped into each module and their distribution in the modules is shown in Fig. 2B. Two modules were identified as differentially expressed CpG gene enriched modules, black module (comprised of 90 DMGs) and the turquoise module (comprised of 394 DMGs), in which the CpG genes were significantly associated with methylations. The DMGs in these two modules were significantly enriched in 18 GO_Biology Process (BP; such as ‘neuron differentiation’), 7 GO_cellular component (CC; such as ‘integral to plasma membrane’), and 9 GO_molecular function (MF; such as ‘sequence-specific DNA binding’) terms (Table III) and were predominantly associated with transcriptional regulation.
![]() | Table III.Functional terms enriched for the 484 differentially methylated genes involved in black or turquoise modules. |
Correlation analysis of the expression levels and methylation levels of key methylated genes
Overall, the methylation levels and expression levels of the 484 DMGs in the black and turquoise modules were significantly negatively correlated (Cor.=−0.478, P=8.169×10−5; Fig. 2D). A total of 192 DMGs exhibited negative correlation between the expression levels and methylation levels (Table SI).
Construction of the risk score system
A total of 50 genes among the 192 DMGs were found to be associated with prognosis. Following this, a Cox-PH model was utilized to screen the optimal gene combination. When λ=1.1389, the maximum value of cvl was obtained as −458.1914 (Fig. 3A). Using λ=1.1389, a 12-gene optimal combination was acquired: CCAAT/enhancer binding protein α (CEBPα); histone cluster 1 H4E (HIST1H4E); STAM binding protein-like 1, (STAMBPL1) phospholipase D3 (PLD3); centrosomal protein 55 (CEP55); ssDNA binding protein 4 (SSBP4); glutamate AMPA receptor subunit 1 (GRIA1); switch-associated protein 70 (SWAP70); adenylate-cyclase activating polypeptide 1 receptor 1 (ADCYAP1R1); yippee-like 3 (YPEL3); homeobox C4 (HOXC4); and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 (IGFBP1) (Fig. 3B; Table IV). Combined with the prognostic coefficients of these 12 optimal genes, the following risk score system was constructed (cg is the methylation ID for corresponding genes.).
Risk score=(−0.4701559) × Methylation cg22250546 + (1.461097) × Methylation cg23066982 + (−0.1543761) × Methylation cg23264429 + (0.2124921) × Methylation cg25509871 + (−0.7063513) × Methylation cg25827255+ (0.1268035) × Methylation cg25902939 + (−2.4642526) × Methylation cg26343183+ (−0.4583647) × Methylation cg26645401 +(0.0652014) xMethylation cg27076139+ (0.2566994) × Methylation cg27106909 + (0.7707755) × Methylation cg27138204 + (0.172493) × Methylation cg27447599.
According to the median of the risk scores of the samples in the TCGA dataset, the samples were divided into high and low risk groups. For the TCGA dataset, the comparison between the actual overall survival and risk score system predicting survival of the risk groups was performed and the AUC was 0.976 (Fig. 4A). Moreover, the risk score system was validated in the E-MTAB-5008 (Fig. 4B) and E-MTAB-5571 (Fig. 4C) datasets and the AUCs were 0.919 and 0.924, respectively. The TCGA, E-MTAB-5008 and E-MTAB-5571 datasets had consistent results and all the samples in low risk group had improved survival.
Correlation analysis between independent prognostic factors and risk groups
The clinical information of 168 samples in the TCGA dataset was statistically analyzed, and pathological tumor-node-metastases (TNM) staging system (36), radiotherapy and risk status were identified as independent prognostic factors (Table V). Survival status of high and low risk groups with different pathological N stages (N0 vs. N1) and treatment with radiotherapy (treatment with radiotherapy vs. without radiotherapy) were compared (Fig. 5).
The mechanisms underlying tumor development and progression of PAAD are complex, and influencing factors include epigenetic regulation of gene expression, epigenetic silencing of genes, oncogenic/tumor suppressor gene mutation, telomere alteration, genomic instability and DNA methylation (37–40). The present study aimed to identify potential important key methylated genes in PAAD. A total of 1,067 DMGs were identified in the less favorable prognosis and more favorable prognosis groups. From the 10 modules identified by WGCNA, the black (involving 90 DMGs) and turquoise (involving 394 DMGs) modules, in which the CpG genes were significantly associated with methylations, were selected for further analysis. For the 484 DMGs involved in the two key modules, 18 GO_BP, 7 GO_CC and 9 GO_MF terms were enriched. There were 192 DMGs associated with prognosis (less favorable or more favorable). Correlation analysis indicated that the expression levels and methylation levels of 192 DMGs among the 484 DMGs were negatively correlated. Furthermore, 50 prognosis-associated genes were further screened from the 192 DMGs. After a 12-gene optimal combination (CEBPA, HIST1H4E, STAMBPL1, PLD3, CEP55, SSBP4, GRIA1, SWAP70, ADCYAP1R1, YPEL3, HOXC4 and IGFBP1) was identified, the risk score system was constructed and validated in the TCGA, E-MTAB-5008 and E-MTAB-5571 datasets. In addition, pathological N category, radiotherapy and risk status were found to be independent prognostic factors.
It is demonstrated that upregulation of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP) beta (C/EBPβ), encoded by CEBPB, could restore the anti-cancer functions of Menin in PC (41) The inadequate cytoplasmic localization and abnormal silencing of C/EBP results in its dysfunction, and thus, C/EBP may serve as a novel suppressor in PC cells (42). Downregulated C/EBPα induced by lysine (K)-specific demethylase 6B (KDM6B) promotes the aggressiveness of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) cells, indicating that the KDM6B-C/EBPα axis is associated with the progression of PDAC (43,44). Histone H3 modification affects the gene expression and promoter methylation of MUC2, which may be critical for the prognostic prediction of patients with PC (45). The mRNA expression levels of histone H4 is lowered by polyamide-chlorambucil conjugate (1R-Chl) in the MIA PaCa-2 PC cell line and histone H4 genes have elevated histone acetylation in tumor cells (46). Therefore, CEBPA and HIST1H4E may be critical for the survival of PAAD patients.
STAMBPL1 affects the activation of NF-κB through mediating the stability and localization of Tax (47) and NF-κB blockade can inhibit the oncogenicity and metastasis of PC cells (48). Overexpression of CEP55 can promote PC cell aggressiveness via activation of the NF-κB pathway; therefore, CEP55 may be a prognostic factor and therapeutic target for patients with PC (49). Downregulated expression of YPEL1 in PAAD samples is associated with perineural invasion and survival prognosis, thus YPEL1 may serve a role in the malignant transformation of pancreatic tissues (50). Low IGFBP1 plasma levels have a more notable influence in non-smoking patients with PC and predicts an increased risk of PC (51). These data suggest that STAMBPL1, CEP55, YPEL3 and IGFBP1 may be associated with the prognosis of patients with PAAD.
Although PLD3, SSBP4, GRIA1, SWAP70 and ADCYAP1R1 do not have reported associations with PAAD to the best of our knowledge, their influence on other types of human cancer have been reported. Elevated expression and activity of PLD is detected in multiple types of cancer, such as gastric, colorectal, renal, stomach, lung and breast cancers (52), and PLD serves a role in mediating cell proliferation, cell transition, survival signaling and tumor progression (53). SSBP2 is a tumor suppressor gene and the disruption of SSBP2-associated pathways may be involved in the malignant transformation of various tissues (54). GRIA1 is involved in glutamate receptor signaling, which is an epigenetic marker for overall mortality rate of basal-like urothelial carcinomas (55). The oncogene SWAP70 functions in regulating actin rearrangement in basal-like bladder cancer (55) and serves a role in the transformation-associated signaling pathway (56). The promoter hypermethylation level of ADCYAP1 is associated with cervical cancer development and is considered as a promising methylation marker for the early detection of cervical cancer (57). Therefore, PLD3, SSBP4, GRIA1, SWAP70 and ADCYAP1R1 may also be associated with the prognosis of patients with PAAD.
In the present study comprehensive bioinformatics analysis of PAAD samples was performed to identify prognosis-associated genes and to construct a risk score prognostic prediction system. All findings were obtained from relatively small-sized cohorts and thus require further experimental validation. Additionally, the patient cohort samples in the three datasets may exert different clinical features, such as disease stage, historical treatment and demographics, which should be carefully compared in further studies.
In conclusion, 1,067 DMGs were identified and a 12-gene optimal combination consisting of CEBPA, HIST1H4E, STAMBPL1, PLD3, CEP55, SSBP4, GRIA1, SWAP70, ADCYAP1R1, YPEL3, HOXC4 and IGFBP1 was obtained. This 12-gene risk score prognostic prediction system may be valuable for predicting the prognosis of patients with PAAD.
Supplementary Material
Supporting Data
Not applicable.
No funding was received.
Availability of data and materials
The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Authors' contributions
DD conceived the study design and performed manuscript drafting, SY was responsible for data collection and analysis and JZ performed data interpretation and manuscript writing. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Ethical approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Patient consent for publication
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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