Wide‑ranging analysis of survival‑related alternative splicing events in invasive breast carcinoma
- Authors:
- Published online on: June 5, 2020 https://doi.org/10.3892/ol.2020.11695
- Pages: 1866-1878
Copyright: © Jia et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.
Breast cancer is a global problem that primarily threatens the health of women, but can also affect men. In 2011, a study based on patients with breast cancer in Denmark, Finland, Geneva, Norway, Singapore and Sweden over the past 40 years reported that world standardized incidence rates of female breast cancer were 66.7 per 105 individuals per year and those of male breast cancer were 0.40 per 105 individuals per year (1). Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that breast cancer is closely associated with social factors, particularly quality of healthcare and ethnicity (2,3). In the United States, the mortality rate of non-Hispanic black women with breast cancer was 8.8% higher compared with that of non-Hispanic white women with breast cancer between 2010 and 2014 (4). The incidence rates of breast cancer have increased from about 100 per 105 women in 1975 to about 125 per 105 women in 2015 (5). As the breast is not an essential organ, cancer in situ does not usually lead directly to death. With invasive breast carcinoma (BRCA), some of the tumorigenic cells are in a poorly differentiated state and lose proper regulation ability. These cells can leave the lesion and spread with the blood to other tissues or lymph nodes and develop into new tumors, leading to organ dysfunction and patient death.
Alternative splicing (AS) is a tumorigenesis mechanism that has been studied in a number of tumors and is widely accepted as explaining the aforementioned phenomenon. Through AS, an mRNA precursor can produce a number of mRNA splicing isoforms, which generates protein diversity (6). Proteins created by AS exhibit a number of molecular properties and interactions that have a significant role in both normal and abnormal life activities (7,8).
The role of AS in BRCA has recently been investigated, with studies analyzing certain AS events in breast cancer; these studies have demonstrated the potential for specific AS events to classify and diagnose cancer (9,10). Tien et al (11) demonstrated that the mutation of cyclin-dependent kinase 12, which disrupts DNA repair, affected a DNAJB6 isoform and the DNA damage response activator by regulating last-exon splicing; thereby causing tumorigenesis and invasion. The complexes of transactive response DNA binding protein 43 (TDP43) and serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 3 (SRSF3) can modulate the AS events of protease-activated receptor 3 (PAR3) and endocytic adaptor protein, which suggests that TDP43 or SRSF3 knockdown inhibits tumor progression, and the higher expression level of TDP43 in triple-negative breast cancer may suggest a poor patient prognosis (12).
As previous studies have demonstrated the potential of AS events as molecular markers and therapeutic targets (13,14), the investigation of full transcriptome AS events and survival-related alternative splicing events (SREs) in BRCA should be a priority in research. The aim of the present study was to reveal new features of BRCA by integrating and comparing AS events at the full transcriptome level and to validate their clinical values using a number of models.
Materials and methods
Acquisition of data on alternative splicing events
The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), which comprises high-throughput sequencing data and clinical information on 33 types of tumor, including BRCA, was used in the present study (www.cancer.gov/tcga). TCGA SpliceSeq database calculates the percent-spliced-in (PSI) value for all AS events in each tumor, which can then be used for AS analyses (15). The PSI value is a ratio that presents the efficiency of splicing exons into transcripts (splicing isoforms). As presented in Fig. 1, AS events were further divided into seven types: Alternative promoter (AP), alternative donor site (AD), alternative terminator (AT), exon skipping (ES), mutually exclusive exons (ME), alternative acceptor site (AA) and retained intron (RI). The PSI values for the AS events in 1,207 tissue samples were downloaded from TCGA SpliceSeq comprising 1,094 samples from cancerous tissues and 113 samples from healthy tissues. As some volunteers donated both cancerous and healthy tissues, the present study contains 1,097 sets of clinical data, which means that each sample has the corresponding clinical information.
Identification of SREs
Some of the 1,094 cancerous tissue samples were removed by integrating clinical information to make the results more objective. Although males can also have breast cancer, the present study considered the large differences in sex hormones between men and women and selected 1,081 samples from only female patients. This slightly reduces the clinical significance; however, it notably avoids the bias caused by biological differences (16). From the 1,081 female samples, 1,019 patients with an overall survival (OS) from 31 days to >13 years were selected for univariate survival analysis. The R package survival (version 3.1–11) was used to conduct univariate survival analysis, which calculated the relationship between each AS event and OS. This step is performed in RStudio software (version 1.1.442) (17) using R language (v3.5.1) (18). OS is the time from the start of the random assignment to death. For patients who were lost to follow-up or survived until the end of the study, OS was considered to be the time from the start of the random assignment to the date of the last follow-up. Cox's proportional hazards regression analysis quantitatively demonstrated the association between the PSI values and OS using the following four key values: Hazard ratio (HR), coefficient (coef) value and maximum and minimum values for 95% confidence intervals. Generally, in cancer studies, a factor is considered to have a bad effect on a prognosis if its HR >1. The coef value is associated with the direction and extent of the event and its influence on the outcome. Specifically, when an event decreases OS, the corresponding coef value is positive. Conversely, when an event increases OS, the corresponding coef value is negative. The stronger the influence of the event on the outcome, the greater the absolute coef value. The smaller P-value is, the more the reliable the result. Therefore, when the number of SREs of an AS type was >10, the present study chosen 10 SREs with the smallest P-value were used to calculate the weighted PSI value. As an aberrant biological process is caused by several AS events, the weighted PSI value of each AS type is theoretically more biologically significant compared with the PSI value of a single AS event. The weighted PSI value of AA is the sum of the PSI values of the top 10 survival-associated AS events multiplied by the corresponding coef values. In addition, the PSI values were calculated for the top 10 most significant AS events in all SREs and the weighted PSI value that was obtained was considered to represent all AS events. Samples were divided into two groups according to these weighted PSI values. The Kaplan-Meier estimator and the log-rank test were used to determine whether there was a significant difference in survival rates between the two groups. These calculations were performed by R packages: Survival (version 3.1–11) and survminer (version 0.4.6) and the result of P<0.05 has statistical significance.
Distribution of AS events and the UpSet plot
For its greater efficiency, an UpSet plot, rather than a Venn plot, was used to display the intersections among multiple datasets. Using this plot, the present study could sort the data by gene frequency or by the number of AS types contained within the set to more clearly represent distribution features. Survival-related genes (SRGs) were those involved in SREs. The UpSet plot was used to visualize the distribution of AS event-related genes and SRGs within the different AS types. The plot was created using R package: UpSetR (v1.4.0) (19).
Protein-protein interaction (PPI) network and enrichment analysis
In order to identify the genes at the core of the pathological process and determine how they regulate each other, the present study submitted SRGs to the Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins (www.string-db.org/). The PPI network was constructed using a threshold of 0.4 to avoid missing key genes. The degree of connectivity was used to describe the association between nodes. A node with a high degree of connectivity may have a wide impact on other nodes and was considered a hub gene. Gene Ontology (GO), Kyoto Encylcopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), and Reactome contain a large number of canonical descriptions of genes and pathways that can be used to study the functions and pathways with which target genes may be involved (20,21). The present study used ClueGO (v2.5.6) (22), a plugin for Cytoscape (v3.7.2) (23), to annotate the physiological functions of SRGs.
Diagnostic test and 5-year survival model
Diagnostics were conducted to test the ability of the weighted PSI values to distinguish between cancerous and healthy tissues. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was plotted to determine whether the weighted PSI values from the top 10 SREs with the most prognostic significance and those for each AS type could be used to predict a prognosis. A total of two models in the present study consisted of some weighted PSI values, although it was unclear whether these values could be used as indicators for distinguishing the different groups; however, the area-under-curve (AUC) value could be used as an indicator. Therefore, the ROC curves were used to present the value of the indicators for distinguishing between cancerous and healthy tissues in the present study, and to assess the ability to predict whether patient OS could be >5 years. The distinction between the two models was that one reflected the impact of AS events on initiation of the disease, while the other was associated with its progression. After performing the diagnostic tests, a 5-year survival model was created using SPSS v19.0 (IBM Corp.).
SFs and regulation network
SFs comprise numerous types of proteins, such as serine/arginine-rich (SR) protein, which contains a protein domain with long repeats of serine and arginine amino acid residues (24). SpliceAid 2 (www.introni.it/spliceaid.html) is a database of SFs in cancerous and healthy tissues (25); 71 SFs that were identified in BRCA and their corresponding genes were obtained from this database. TCGA provided the third-level transcriptome data for these BRCA genes. In order to exclude interferences, such as gene length, sequencing amount and sample specificity, the original read counts were normalized to increase reliability. SR SFs were identified using Cox's proportional hazards regression model. If the Pearson correlation coefficient >0.4, the corresponding SF was positively correlated with AS events. The regulatory network was visualized using Cytoscape (v3.7.2) (21).
Characteristics of AS in invasive breast carcinoma
The present study identified 45,421 AS events in BRCA, which were associated with 10,480 genes (Fig. 2A). ES had the most AS events (17,702). A total of 233 AS events was found in ME, notably fewer compared with other AS types. ES had the largest number of associated genes (6,811). The number of genes associated with ME was 227, which was smaller than that of any other AS type. Some genes were found in only one type of AS event in BRCA, while others were demonstrated to be involved in several types (Fig. 3A). The largest group of genes (1,782) was contained in only the ES type, which accounted for 26.1% of the associated ES genes. The proportion of genes only associated with one AS type were 8.4, 9.7, 19.6, 28.3, 5.2 and 16.0% in AA, AD, AP, AT, ME and RI, respectively, which indicated that only a few genes were involved in only one type of AS. Therefore, the majority of event-associated genes were involved in more than one type of AS event. The group consisting of AT and ES contained most genes (680) compared with other groups with only two AS types. The group consisting of AP, AT and ES was the largest group (286 genes) among the groups that contained three types of AS events.
SREs and SRGs identified using survival analysis
A series of SREs and SRGs identified using Cox's proportional hazards regression model (P<0.05) were investigated; the results of the survival analyses are presented in Table SI. In general, 1,215 events in 818 genes appeared to have potential links to OS. Although there were 17,702 AS events in ES, only 268 were associated with a prognosis. The AS type with the largest number of events and genes was not ES, but AT. Fig. 2B presents the number of SREs and SRGs in each type of AS.
The largest percentage of SRGs (778; 95.1%) was associated with only one type of AS event. The different distributions of AS event-associated genes and SRGs indicated that mRNA produced by SRGs appeared to be more specific. The group that included genes from only AT contained 298 SRGs and represented the group with the most genes. The intersections of the seven AS types are presented in Fig. 3.
Prognostic models based on the weighted PSI value of AS types
The PSI values of the 10 most significant splicing events in each AS type were weighted to obtain a weighted PSI value for each type. As ME had only four SREs, its weighted PSI value was calculated using only these four events (Table I). P-value was <0.01 for all items, which indicated that the weighted calculation method was reliable. In the present study, AP and ME had higher hazard ratios (HRs) than the other AS types, which suggested that the AS events contained in AP and ME may increase both the risk of disease and a poor prognosis. All coef values for AA, AD, AT, ES, RI and the 10 most significant splicing events were negative, which indicated that their effects on prognosis were positive. Kaplan-Meier survival curves were plotted to display the differences in survival rate over time (Fig. 4). The ends of the curves for AA, AP and AT were very close and may have been affected by other factors, such as age (Fig. 4A, C and D). In addition, the weighted PSI values based on the 10 AS events in each AS type (a total of 70 events) were also calculated. The corresponding survival curve is presented in Fig. S1, which shows trends similar to those in Fig. 4G and indicates that the weighted PSI value was a good measure for distinguishing between groups with a longer and shorter OS.
Fig. 5A presents the ROC curves that tested the ability of the weighted PSI value to determine the patients' 5-year OS rate; the quantitative results are presented in Table II. AD (AUC=0.723) was considered to be the best indicator of a prognostic model; AUC of all other values were <0.7.
PPI network and enrichment analysis based on SREs
The PPI network (Fig. 6) indicated that there were 13 hub genes connecting >20 nodes, the majority of which were ribosomal protein genes; these were listed in Table III. A total of 22, 7 and 29 items were enriched in the GO, KEGG and Reactome databases, respectively. The results of the enrichment analysis are presented in Table IV and the P-values of all items were <0.05. The items in this table were sorted by the percentage of associated genes, which clearly showed the proportion of the submitted genes occupying the genes contained in each function or pathway. The items enriched in GO (biological processes), KEGG and Reactome databases with the highest percentage of associated genes were ‘regulation of ribonuclease activity’, ‘ubiquinone and other terpenoid-quinone biosynthesis’ and ‘PKA activation in glucagon signaling’, respectively.
Diagnostic tests
The diagnostic tests comprised eight indicators with weighted PSI values for the seven AS types and those calculated from the PSI values of the 10 most significant SREs. Fig. 5B shows the ROC curve for each indicator in the diagnostic test, which imply that certain AS types, such as AT and ME, are unsuitable for use as diagnostic indicators. The AUC values of AT and ME were 0.593 and 0.633, respectively, and, in general, an indicator with AUC <0.7 was not considered to be useful. AA appeared to be the most efficient indicator for distinguishing between the two groups (AUC=0.823). Quantitative results of each ROC curve are provided in Table V.
Regulatory network based on SFs and SREs
A total of 51 SFs were matched with read counts, which were used for survival analysis using Cox's proportional hazards regression model; however, under the condition that P<0.05 was considered to be significant, only one gene, ELAVL4, was selected. The HR of ELAVL4 was 1.01, which suggested that it was a risk factor that may indicate a poor prognosis. The present study also demonstrated that OS changed with time (Fig. 4I). The group with a lower expression level of ELAVL4 had a higher OS rate than that with a higher expression level, which was more notable in patients with OS >7 years. By calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient, 11 SREs were selected, six of which were positively associated and five of which were negatively associated with ELAVL4 expression levels. In particular, the six that were positively associated were associated with a poor prognosis, while the five that were negatively associated were associated with an improved prognosis, which suggested the positive and negative effects of the association between SREs and ELAVL4 expression levels (Fig. 7).
Biomarkers do not simply classify tumors into several types, but rather represent certain properties of the tumor, which are of significance for precision medical treatment. The traditional classification of a tumor is based primarily on its location, pathological morphology and distant metastasis; however, more molecular level-based classification methods have previously been proposed. For example, the presence of estrogen and/or progesterone receptors suggests that endocrine therapy has a favorable therapeutic effect (26). Gene expression level profiling is used to understand the differences in gene expression levels and pathogenesis of cancerous and healthy tissues in BRCA and could be used in BRCA classification for different prognoses (27–29). Although gene expression level profiling has been extensively studied, little is currently known about the AS profile of BRCA. Previous research has focused on elucidating the pathological mechanisms of a single AS event or SF, which may lead to neglecting their population characteristics, regulatory relationships and clinical values. The present study identified a series of SREs through survival analysis and used a 5-year survival model and diagnostic tests to evaluate the ability of AS events to diagnose BRCA and predict a prognosis. Identification of SREs and the construction of the SF-AS event regulatory network has laid the foundation for subsequent classification.
Gene mutations are considered to be the major cause of tumorigenesis and >90% of coding genes are considered to have undergone AS events (25). Independently of gene mutations, AS events can also result in products expressed by deviant genes (8,26). For example, TP53 is one of the first-discovered tumor-suppressor genes, and its isoform, produced by AS, modulates its tumor-suppressor function; whereas, the dysregulation of the TP53 isoforms are found in a variety of tumors, which are closely associated with aberrant AS events (30). Aberrant AS produces cancer-specific mRNA that could further disrupt the normal function of tumor suppressors and activate oncogenic pathways (13). Furthermore, aberrant AS events are involved in the establishment of the tumor microenvironment, thus promoting tumor growth, invasion and metastasis (31). For example, RNA-binding proteins participate in the specific expression of isoforms of vascular endothelial growth factor through AS, resulting in a unique angiogenic profile of colorectal cancer (32). In the present study, AS events were represented by PSI values, which allowed them to be quantitatively analyzed. Based on the correlation between PSI values and prognosis, a series of SREs were identified, and their distribution characteristics in BRCA were exhibited using an UpSet plot.
The present study demonstrated that ES was the type with the most AS events, while AT had the most SREs. The distribution of AS-associated genes was consistent with AS events, which means that AT also has the most SRGs. The difference in the distribution between AS events and SREs suggested that AT had a notable effect on prognosis. The pathological role of ES is worthy of further investigation because the number of SREs in ES ranks second. In other tumor studies, ES is the most common type of AS, with ME events being the least common (33,34). SRE distribution exhibits different characteristics. Overall, for BRCA and colon adenocarcinoma, the majority of SREs are found in AT, not in ES, while for esophageal, stomach and rectal adenocarcinomas, and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, the ES type contains more SREs than the AT type. This difference may correspond to the common properties of tumors from different tissues (35). In addition, SRGs exhibit characteristics different from those in AS-associated genes. Although the number of SRGs with only one AS event is highest, which may be due to the stability of the associated pre-mRNA, there are also a number of genes with two or more AS events; however, the pathways that influence a prognosis remain unclear.
AS events could be further regulated by a group of SFs. A previous study demonstrated that individual SR proteins can restore pre-mRNA splicing in cell extracts depleted of multiple SR family proteins (36). The SR protein family contains a number of proteins with phylogenetic conservation and structural relevance, with their characteristic domains containing multiple serine and arginine residues. Numerous human diseases, such as cancer and human immunodeficiency virus, are associated with the SR protein family (37,38). SpliceAid 2 integrates existing research and includes 71 SFs and their distributions in various tissues (25). SF gene mutations constitute early events that most likely play a role in initiation of the tumorigenesis of certain types of tumor (37). The results of a cohort study demonstrated that SF3B1 mutations occur in >20% of patients with uveal melanoma (39). SFs are also involved in the biological processes of BRCA, such as tumorigenesis, growth, infiltration and metastasis, and are thus involved in prognosis (9,12,40–42). SFs and AS have been found in the immune-evasion pathway of tumors (43). As one SF may regulate more than one AS event, each SF has multiple pathogenic pathways; this suggests that SF-based treatment may be a broad spectrum. AS events and SFs may be key targets for the treatment of cancer and merit further investigation. In addition, the present study incorporated SFs into the regulatory network to clarify the results. Enrichment analysis was used to determine the physiological functions and signaling pathways involved in SREs. The present study also examined whether SREs can be markers for diagnosis and prognosis, which will provide a reference for subsequent studies. Given the prognostic relevance of SRGs, their regulatory networks and biological functions in BRCA merit further study.
The PPI network examined the hub genes, which are primarily ribosomal protein genes. Previous studies reported that a number of ribosomal proteins were involved in the initiation and progress of BRCA. Knockdown of ribosomal protein S15A represses the proliferation of breast cancer cells in vitro by inducing apoptosis (44). Studies have demonstrated that ribosomal protein S6 kinase 4 had anti-invasive and anti-metastatic activities (45,46). Ribosomal protein S3 upregulates the X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis to confer the resistance of breast cancer cells to certain chemotherapeutic drugs (47). The PPI network suggests that AS may be one of the pathways by which ribosomal protein genes are involved in tumorigenesis. In previous studies, functional enrichment analyses were used to identify that the signaling pathways associated with ribosomes are found in esophageal, colon and rectal adenocarcinomas (33,34). The annotation of functions and pathways found in the GO, KEGG and Reactome databases were used to understand their pathological mechanisms. The results of enrichment analysis based on the GO database indicated that the proportion of SRGs within the gene group involved in the ribosome-associated biological processes was higher than that in other functional gene groups, such as the regulation of ribonuclease activity, ribosomal small-subunit export from the nucleus and ribosomal subunit export from the nucleus. To the best of our knowledge, few studies have previously noted changes in these biological processes and how SRGs involved in these processes affect the prognosis for patients with BRCA.
In the present study, survival curves demonstrated that the combined effects of SREs were highly associated with patient OS; however, not all AS types represented by weighted PSI values were able to predict a prognosis. Some AS types with lower AUC values, such as AT and ME, did not appear to be suitable predictors for the 5-year survival outcome, which may have three possible explanations. First, the number of AS events used to calculate the weighted PSI values may have been too small to reflect the overall characteristics. Secondly, the calculation of SRGs participating in different functions may have masked some of the original attributes. The third cause may have been the special properties of BRCA as the indicators based on weighted PSI values were excellent in predicting a prognosis in gastrointestinal pan-adenocarcinomas (34). The diagnostic model implies that the weighted PSI values of AA, AD, AP and ES are reliable predictors. It is worth noting that although the sensitivity of AD is only 0.549, the specificity is 0.852, which suggests that there may be some AS events in AD that create significant changes in cancerous and healthy tissues; therefore, more research on SREs in AD is required.
ELAVL4 was associated with OS in patients with BRCA, which was consistent with the results of previous studies on non-small-cell lung cancer and meningioma (48,49). The present study indicates that ELAVL4 has a potential regulatory relationship with multiple SRGs, and that the AS is the potential mechanism by which they affect BRCA. Another uncertainty of the analyses in the present study is that it is difficult to infer the functional impact of AS and the altered protein structure. Certain AS events will totally drive structural changes in protein outputs; however, current algorithms may not precisely quantify those variations. New computational methods are necessary to replicate the present study to confirm the results. In addition, all results should be tested using another set of samples to determine the reliability of the results of the present study.
The present study systematically identified a number of SREs in BRCA, described the distribution characteristics of SREs and SRGs and mapped the regulatory networks based on the SRGs, as well as investigating potential pathological mechanisms. ELAVL4 has a potential regulatory relationship with multiple SRGs and is worth further investigation. Further studies are needed to examine the potential of AS events as prognostic biomarkers and to provide insight on subsequent identification of therapeutic targets.
Supplementary Material
Supporting Data
The authors would like to thank Mrs. Xuemei Guan (Suzhou Ninth People's Hospital) and Dr. Yongchun Gu (Suzhou Ninth People's Hospital) for their support and suggestions.
The present study was supported by a grant from Nantong ‘226 Project’ (grant no. 2018436) and Excellent Key Teachers in the ‘Qing Lan Project’ of Jiangsu Colleges and Universities (grant no. 06190025).
Availability of data and materials
The datasets generated and/or analyzed during the present study are available in the figures, tables and supplementary files; TCGA database (https://portal.gdc.cancer.gov/); TCGA SpliceSeq database (https://bioinformatics.mdanderson.org/public-software/tcgaspliceseq/); SpliceAid 2 database (www.introni.it/spliceaid.html).
Authors' contributions
HQW, KRJ and YCW conceived and designed the current research. KRJ, JH, JNC and HGW collected and preprocessed the data. KRJ and YCW performed data analysis and wrote the manuscript. All authors had read and agreed with the final version of manuscript.
Ethics approval and consent for participation
Not applicable.
Patient consent for publication
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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