Efficacy of 5-FU/LV plus CPT-11 as first-line adjuvant chemotherapy for stage IIIa colorectal cancer

  • Authors:
    • Masaya Mukai
    • Kazutake Okada
    • Hiroshi Fukumitsu
    • Naoki Yazawa
    • Tatsuhiko Hoshikawa
    • Takayuki Tajima
    • Hitoshi Hirakawa
    • Kyouji Ogoshi
    • Hiroyasu Makuuchi
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: September 1, 2009     https://doi.org/10.3892/or_00000481
  • Pages: 621-629
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The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the effect of adding CPT-11 to postoperative chemotherapy for stage III colorectal cancer. The subjects were 94 patients, including 60 in stage IIIa (≤3 positive nodes) and 34 in stage IIIb (≥4 positive nodes), who underwent curative resection. The clinical outcome was compared between patients receiving 5-FU/LV plus CPT-11 (FLC group) and patients receiving 5-FU/LV alone (FL group). The FLC group (54 patients) had a 3-year relapse-free survival (3Y-RFS) of 68.7%, a 5Y-RFS of 68.7% and a 5Y-OS of 67.1%, while the FL group (40 patients) had a 3Y-RFS of 67.5% (n.s.), a 5Y-RFS of 64.9% (n.s.), and a 5Y-OS of 77.3% (n.s.). There were no significant differences of these parameters between the two groups. For stage IIIa patients, the corresponding survival rates were 92.4, 92.4 and 90.9% in the FLC group (29 patients) vs. 64.5% (p=0.024), 61.1% (p=0.018), and 77.1% (n.s.) in the FL group (31 patients). For stage IIIb patients, the rates were 36.6, 36.6 and 24.8% in the FLC group (25 patients) vs. 77.8% (n.s.), 77.8% (n.s.), and 77.8% (n.s.) in the FL group (9 patients). These results suggest that the 3Y-RFS and 5Y-RFS of patients with stage IIIa colorectal cancer were significantly improved by adjuvant chemotherapy with 5-FU/LV plus CPT-11.

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September 2009
Volume 22 Issue 3

Print ISSN: 1021-335X
Online ISSN:1791-2431

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Spandidos Publications style
Mukai M, Okada K, Fukumitsu H, Yazawa N, Hoshikawa T, Tajima T, Hirakawa H, Ogoshi K and Makuuchi H: Efficacy of 5-FU/LV plus CPT-11 as first-line adjuvant chemotherapy for stage IIIa colorectal cancer. Oncol Rep 22: 621-629, 2009.
Mukai, M., Okada, K., Fukumitsu, H., Yazawa, N., Hoshikawa, T., Tajima, T. ... Makuuchi, H. (2009). Efficacy of 5-FU/LV plus CPT-11 as first-line adjuvant chemotherapy for stage IIIa colorectal cancer. Oncology Reports, 22, 621-629. https://doi.org/10.3892/or_00000481
Mukai, M., Okada, K., Fukumitsu, H., Yazawa, N., Hoshikawa, T., Tajima, T., Hirakawa, H., Ogoshi, K., Makuuchi, H."Efficacy of 5-FU/LV plus CPT-11 as first-line adjuvant chemotherapy for stage IIIa colorectal cancer". Oncology Reports 22.3 (2009): 621-629.
Mukai, M., Okada, K., Fukumitsu, H., Yazawa, N., Hoshikawa, T., Tajima, T., Hirakawa, H., Ogoshi, K., Makuuchi, H."Efficacy of 5-FU/LV plus CPT-11 as first-line adjuvant chemotherapy for stage IIIa colorectal cancer". Oncology Reports 22, no. 3 (2009): 621-629. https://doi.org/10.3892/or_00000481