Akt associates with nuclear factor κB and plays an important role in chemoresistance of gastric cancer cells

  • Authors:
    • Liang-Liang Yu
    • Ning Dai
    • Hong-Gang Yu
    • Lei-Min Sun
    • Jian-Min Si
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: July 1, 2010     https://doi.org/10.3892/or_00000835
  • Pages: 113-119
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The ubiquitously expressed serine-threonine kinase Akt and the transcription factor NF-κB both are involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis. Furthermore, the activation of Akt or NF-κB has been suggested to associate with chemo-resistance of human tumors. The exact mechanism and interreaction of Akt and NF-κB pathway on chemoresistance in gastric cancer is still unknown. We explored the function of Akt and NF-κB pathway on chemoresistance in human gastric cancer cells. MTT method was used to analyze the influence of chemotherapeutics and the combined use of wortmannin or MG-132 on the growth of SGC-7901 cells. Apoptosis of SGC-7901 was detected by TUNEL and Annexin V/PI methods. The protein level of NF-κB was analyzed by immunocytochemical staining. EMSA was used to confirm the increased nuclear translocation of RelA. The protein level of p-Akt and p-IκBα were analyzed by Western blotting. Etoposide and doxorubicin suppressed the growth of SGC-7901 time and dose-dependently. Combined use of wortmannin or MG-132 can suppress growth further. Chemotherapeutics induced apoptosis of SGC-7901 and activated Akt and NF-κB, combined use of wortmannin or MG-132 induced apoptosis further and attenuated the activation of NF-κB. The combined use of wortmannin attenuated the activation of Akt, but combined use of MG-132 did not attenuate the activation of Akt. The activation of NF-κB is a branch mechanism of Akt anti-apoptosis effects. The chemotherapeutics induced apoptosis and induced the activation of Akt and NF-κB in SGC-7901 cell, suppression the activation of Akt or NF-κB can increase the effects of chemotherapeutics. NF-κB is a downstream target of Akt.

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July 2010
Volume 24 Issue 1

Print ISSN: 1021-335X
Online ISSN:1791-2431

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Spandidos Publications style
Yu L, Dai N, Yu H, Sun L and Si J: Akt associates with nuclear factor κB and plays an important role in chemoresistance of gastric cancer cells . Oncol Rep 24: 113-119, 2010.
Yu, L., Dai, N., Yu, H., Sun, L., & Si, J. (2010). Akt associates with nuclear factor κB and plays an important role in chemoresistance of gastric cancer cells . Oncology Reports, 24, 113-119. https://doi.org/10.3892/or_00000835
Yu, L., Dai, N., Yu, H., Sun, L., Si, J."Akt associates with nuclear factor κB and plays an important role in chemoresistance of gastric cancer cells ". Oncology Reports 24.1 (2010): 113-119.
Yu, L., Dai, N., Yu, H., Sun, L., Si, J."Akt associates with nuclear factor κB and plays an important role in chemoresistance of gastric cancer cells ". Oncology Reports 24, no. 1 (2010): 113-119. https://doi.org/10.3892/or_00000835