Open Access

Analysis of interleukin‑17 and interleukin‑18 levels in animal models of atherosclerosis

  • Authors:
    • Xiuming Tang
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: May 30, 2019
  • Pages: 517-522
  • Copyright: © Tang . This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.

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This study investigated the correlation between the levels of interleukin (IL)‑17 and IL‑18 and atherosclerotic plaques. A total of 60 Apo E gene (Apo E‑/‑) mice were fed with high‑fat diet in the model group and 20 wild male C57BL/6 mice were fed with the basic diet in the control group. The serum levels of IL‑17 and IL‑18 were determined by enzyme‑linked immunosorbent assay. Carotid artery ultrasonography was performed and divided into stable plaque, unstable plaque and non‑plaque groups. The severity of plaque was estimated by semi‑quantitative method and divided into grades I, II and III. The expression levels of low‑density lipoprotein cholesterol, plasma total cholesterol and blood glucose level in the model group induced by high‑fat diet were significantly higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). The level in the model group was significantly higher than in the control group at the 16th week (P<0.05). The expression of IL‑17 and IL‑18 in the model group was significantly higher than that in the control group (t=6.903, 11.02, P<0.05). The concentration of IL‑17 and IL‑18 in the non‑plaque group was significantly lower than that in the stable plaque and unstable plaque groups (P<0.05). The concentration of IL‑17 and IL‑18 in the stable plaque group was significantly lower than that in the unstable plaque group (P<0.05). Based on the correlation of IL‑17 and IL‑18 expressions in the model group, the expression of IL‑18 increased with the expression of IL‑17, indicating that the expression of IL‑17 was positively correlated with that of IL‑18 (r=0.7195, P<0.001). In conclusion, serum IL‑17 and IL‑18 played an important role in the formation and development of atherosclerotic plaque, and were related to the stability and severity of plaque. The expression of IL‑17 and IL‑18 was positively correlated.
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Volume 18 Issue 1

Print ISSN: 1792-0981
Online ISSN:1792-1015

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Tang X: Analysis of interleukin‑17 and interleukin‑18 levels in animal models of atherosclerosis. Exp Ther Med 18: 517-522, 2019.
Tang, X. (2019). Analysis of interleukin‑17 and interleukin‑18 levels in animal models of atherosclerosis. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 18, 517-522.
Tang, X."Analysis of interleukin‑17 and interleukin‑18 levels in animal models of atherosclerosis". Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 18.1 (2019): 517-522.
Tang, X."Analysis of interleukin‑17 and interleukin‑18 levels in animal models of atherosclerosis". Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 18, no. 1 (2019): 517-522.