Kanglaite attenuates UVB-induced down-regulation of aquaporin-3 in cultured human skin keratinocytes

  • Authors:
    • Shi-Jun Shan
    • Ting Xiao
    • John Chen
    • Shi-Ling Geng
    • Chang-Ping Li
    • Xuegang Xu
    • Yuxiao Hong
    • Chao Ji
    • Ying Guo
    • Huachen Wei
    • Wei Liu
    • Dapeng Li
    • Hong-Duo Chen
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: December 29, 2011     https://doi.org/10.3892/ijmm.2011.873
  • Pages: 625-629
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Ultraviolet (UV) radiation plays an important role in the pathogenesis of skin photoaging. Depending on the wavelength of UV, the epidermis is affected primarily by UVB. One major characteristic of photoaging is the dehydration of the skin. Membrane-inserted water channels (aquaporins) are involved in this process. In this study we demonstrated that UVB radiation induced aquaporin-3 (AQP3) down-regulation in cultured human skin keratinocytes. Kanglaite is a mixture consisting of extractions of Coix Seed, which is an effective anti-neoplastic agent and can inhibit the activities of protein kinase C and NF-κB. We demonstrated that Kanglaite inhibited UVB-induced AQP3 down-regulation of cultured human skin keratinocytes. Our findings provide a potential new agent for anti-photoaging. The related molecular mechanisms remain to be further elucidated.
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April 2012
Volume 29 Issue 4

Print ISSN: 1107-3756
Online ISSN:1791-244X

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Spandidos Publications style
Shan S, Xiao T, Chen J, Geng S, Li C, Xu X, Hong Y, Ji C, Guo Y, Wei H, Wei H, et al: Kanglaite attenuates UVB-induced down-regulation of aquaporin-3 in cultured human skin keratinocytes. Int J Mol Med 29: 625-629, 2012.
Shan, S., Xiao, T., Chen, J., Geng, S., Li, C., Xu, X. ... Chen, H. (2012). Kanglaite attenuates UVB-induced down-regulation of aquaporin-3 in cultured human skin keratinocytes. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 29, 625-629. https://doi.org/10.3892/ijmm.2011.873
Shan, S., Xiao, T., Chen, J., Geng, S., Li, C., Xu, X., Hong, Y., Ji, C., Guo, Y., Wei, H., Liu, W., Li, D., Chen, H."Kanglaite attenuates UVB-induced down-regulation of aquaporin-3 in cultured human skin keratinocytes". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 29.4 (2012): 625-629.
Shan, S., Xiao, T., Chen, J., Geng, S., Li, C., Xu, X., Hong, Y., Ji, C., Guo, Y., Wei, H., Liu, W., Li, D., Chen, H."Kanglaite attenuates UVB-induced down-regulation of aquaporin-3 in cultured human skin keratinocytes". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 29, no. 4 (2012): 625-629. https://doi.org/10.3892/ijmm.2011.873