Comparison of expression of apoptosis regulatory proteins in the adipose tissue of tumor-bearing and diet-restricted rabbits

  • Authors:
    • O. Ishiko
    • T. Sumi
    • H. Yoshida
    • Y. Hyun
    • S. Ogita
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: November 1, 2001
  • Pages: 543-547
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We investigated the expression of apoptosis regulatory proteins in the adipose tissue of tumor-bearing and diet-restricted rabbits, and analyzed the differences between the two groups. The apoptotic index in the tumor-bearing group was 25.1±12.4 on day 10 and increased to 27.2±14.4 by day 20. Thereafter, however, it gradually decreased, falling to 11.2±7.8 on day 30 and 0.67±0.88 on day 40. By contrast, no apoptotic cells were detected in the diet-restricted group at any of the times examined. Bcl-2 immunoreactivity was either not detected at all, or was only weakly observed in both groups. Bax expression, on the other hand, gradually increased after implantation in the tumor-bearing group. In 2 of the 5 tumor-bearing rabbits, Bax expression in adipocytes was moderate 10 days after tumor implantation, and strong by day 20, but steadily decreased thereafter. By contrast, hardly any Bax-immunopositive cells were detected in the diet-restricted group. These results suggested that loss of body weight in the tumor-bearing group was different from that in the diet-restricted group, and that it was related to adipocyte apoptosis.

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November 2001
Volume 8 Issue 5

Print ISSN: 1107-3756
Online ISSN:1791-244X

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Spandidos Publications style
Ishiko O, Sumi T, Yoshida H, Hyun Y and Ogita S: Comparison of expression of apoptosis regulatory proteins in the adipose tissue of tumor-bearing and diet-restricted rabbits. Int J Mol Med 8: 543-547, 2001.
Ishiko, O., Sumi, T., Yoshida, H., Hyun, Y., & Ogita, S. (2001). Comparison of expression of apoptosis regulatory proteins in the adipose tissue of tumor-bearing and diet-restricted rabbits. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 8, 543-547.
Ishiko, O., Sumi, T., Yoshida, H., Hyun, Y., Ogita, S."Comparison of expression of apoptosis regulatory proteins in the adipose tissue of tumor-bearing and diet-restricted rabbits". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 8.5 (2001): 543-547.
Ishiko, O., Sumi, T., Yoshida, H., Hyun, Y., Ogita, S."Comparison of expression of apoptosis regulatory proteins in the adipose tissue of tumor-bearing and diet-restricted rabbits". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 8, no. 5 (2001): 543-547.