Induction of human adenocarcinoma cell differentiation by the phytoestrogen genistein is independent of its antiestrogenic function

  • Authors:
    • A Krygier
    • J Murley
    • R Mehta
    • A Constantinou
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: April 1, 1997
  • Pages: 753-757
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The objective of the present study was to determine if genistein can induce human breast adenocarcinoma cell maturation. To gain understanding on its mechanism of action, we used estrogen receptor-positive (ER(+)) MCF-7, and ER MDA-MB-468 cells. Treating these cells with genistein resulted in growth inhibition accompanied by increased cell maturation, which was evaluated by the production of casein and lipids. These maturation markers were optimally expressed after nine days of treatment with 30 mu M of genistein. Since both ER(+) and ER(-) cells became differentiated, we conclude that the ER is not a component of the genistein-initiated scheme of cellular differentiation.

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April 1997
Volume 10 Issue 4

Print ISSN: 1019-6439
Online ISSN:1791-2423

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Spandidos Publications style
Krygier A, Murley J, Mehta R and Constantinou A: Induction of human adenocarcinoma cell differentiation by the phytoestrogen genistein is independent of its antiestrogenic function. Int J Oncol 10: 753-757, 1997.
Krygier, A., Murley, J., Mehta, R., & Constantinou, A. (1997). Induction of human adenocarcinoma cell differentiation by the phytoestrogen genistein is independent of its antiestrogenic function. International Journal of Oncology, 10, 753-757.
Krygier, A., Murley, J., Mehta, R., Constantinou, A."Induction of human adenocarcinoma cell differentiation by the phytoestrogen genistein is independent of its antiestrogenic function". International Journal of Oncology 10.4 (1997): 753-757.
Krygier, A., Murley, J., Mehta, R., Constantinou, A."Induction of human adenocarcinoma cell differentiation by the phytoestrogen genistein is independent of its antiestrogenic function". International Journal of Oncology 10, no. 4 (1997): 753-757.