Expression of the thrombospondin 1 receptor CD36 is correlated with decreased stromal vascularisation in colon cancer.

  • Authors:
    • T Tsuchida
    • H Kijima
    • T Tokunaga
    • Y Oshika
    • H Hatanaka
    • Y Fukushima
    • Y Abe
    • K Kawai
    • Y Yoshida
    • S Miura
    • H Yamazaki
    • N Tamaoki
    • Y Ueyama
    • M Nakamura
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: January 1, 1999
  • Pages: 47-98
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Vascularisation is determined by the balance between various angiogenic and angio-inhibitory factors in cancer stroma. CD36 is a cell adhesion receptor shown to interact with the ligand thrombospondin 1 (TSP1). It has not been determined whether the interaction of TSP1 and its receptor CD36 is correlated with vascularisation or clinical outcome of malignant tumours in vivo. We studied the correlations between expression of TSP1, CD36 and vascularisation and prognosis in 65 colon cancers. Various levels of TSP1 gene expression were observed in 27 of 65 colon cancers. CD36 expression was detected in 33 of 65 cancers, and was significantly correlated with decreased stromal vascularisation (P<0.001). The colon cancers expressing CD36 showed better prognosis (P<0.01). TSP1 expression levels did not affect CD36 expression. These results suggested that CD36 expression which decreased stromal vascularisation is correlated with better prognosis of colon cancer.

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Jan 1999
Volume 14 Issue 1

Print ISSN: 1019-6439
Online ISSN:1791-2423

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Spandidos Publications style
Tsuchida T, Kijima H, Tokunaga T, Oshika Y, Hatanaka H, Fukushima Y, Abe Y, Kawai K, Yoshida Y, Miura S, Miura S, et al: Expression of the thrombospondin 1 receptor CD36 is correlated with decreased stromal vascularisation in colon cancer.. Int J Oncol 14: 47-98, 1999.
Tsuchida, T., Kijima, H., Tokunaga, T., Oshika, Y., Hatanaka, H., Fukushima, Y. ... Nakamura, M. (1999). Expression of the thrombospondin 1 receptor CD36 is correlated with decreased stromal vascularisation in colon cancer.. International Journal of Oncology, 14, 47-98.
Tsuchida, T., Kijima, H., Tokunaga, T., Oshika, Y., Hatanaka, H., Fukushima, Y., Abe, Y., Kawai, K., Yoshida, Y., Miura, S., Yamazaki, H., Tamaoki, N., Ueyama, Y., Nakamura, M."Expression of the thrombospondin 1 receptor CD36 is correlated with decreased stromal vascularisation in colon cancer.". International Journal of Oncology 14.1 (1999): 47-98.
Tsuchida, T., Kijima, H., Tokunaga, T., Oshika, Y., Hatanaka, H., Fukushima, Y., Abe, Y., Kawai, K., Yoshida, Y., Miura, S., Yamazaki, H., Tamaoki, N., Ueyama, Y., Nakamura, M."Expression of the thrombospondin 1 receptor CD36 is correlated with decreased stromal vascularisation in colon cancer.". International Journal of Oncology 14, no. 1 (1999): 47-98.