Mutation profile of the p53, fhit, p16INK4a/p19ARF and H-ras genes in Indian breast carcinomas.
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- Published online on: November 1, 2000
- Pages: 1031-1036
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Breast cancer is the second most prevalent cancer affecting Indian women. Genetic alterations of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes were attributed to the development of breast carcinomas. In the present study, human breast tumor DNAs from untreated, non-familial, Indian patients were analysed for the presence of mutations in p53, fhit, p16INK4a/p19ARF and H-ras genes. Polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism and sequencing analysis were used to detect point mutations. Exons 5-8 of p53, exons 1-2 of p16INK4a, exon 2 of p19ARF, exons 5-9 of fhit gene and exons 1-2 of H-ras genes were amplified and analysed individually using exon-flanking primers. Only 12% of the tumors had mutation in p53, 8% had mutation in fhit gene and none of the tumors showed evidence for mutation in p16INK4a/p19ARF and H-ras genes. Tumor B18 exhibited two novel mutations in the p53 gene, ATGright curved arrow GTG (Metright curved arrow Val) at codon 237 and AATright curved arrow GAT (Asnright curved arrow Asp) at codon 263. Both of these mutations are hitherto unreported in breast carcinomas. Tumor B20 had a non-sense mutation CGAright curved arrow TGA (Argright curved arrow Stop) at codon 306 of p53 gene. In fhit gene, tumor B1 exhibited TTCTright curved arrow TACT mutation at intron 8 and tumor B15 had a silent mutation GAGright curved arrow GAA (Gluright curved arrow Glu) at codon 123. Our results indicate that, among the genes analysed, the p53 gene was more frequently mutated than fhit, p16INK4a/p19ARF and H-ras genes in Indian mammary tumors. Transcribable point mutations of fhit gene were found to be extremely uncommon in these tumors. Mutations in the above genes are mutually exclusive and are infrequent in fhit, p16INK4a/p19ARF and H-ras genes suggesting that these genes may not play a major role in Indian breast carcinomas. However, the significant frequency of mutations in the p53 gene suggest that p53 could be one of the genes involved in the genesis of sporadic breast carcinomas in Indian women.