Differential expression of neuropilin-1 in malignant and benign prostatic stromal tissue

  • Authors:
    • Peter J. Vanveldhuizen
    • Muhammad Zulfiqar
    • Snigdha Banerjee
    • Rachel Cherian
    • Neela K. Saxena
    • Amy Rabe
    • J. Brantley Thrasher
    • Sushanta K. Banerjee
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: September 1, 2003     https://doi.org/10.3892/or.10.5.1067
  • Pages: 1067-1071
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Neuropilin-1 (NRP-1), a co-receptor for VEGF165, is overexpressed in various prostate cancer cell lines and in advanced prostate tumors. However, distribution of the NRP-1 in prostate tumors has not yet been evaluated. Using immunohistochemical analysis, we evaluated 21 archival prostate tumors and 5 benign glands for the expression of NRP-1. In addition, we utilized a quantitative RT-PCR method to examine mRNA expression in 9 additional prostate tumors obtained from radical prostatectomy specimens and compared this expression to the adjacent normal tissue. The RT-PCR analyses demonstrated overexpression of NRP-1 mRNA in malignant tissue samples by 10.0-fold as compared to adjacent normal tissue. By immunohistochemistry, NRP-1 protein was undetected or minimally detected in the epithelial tumor cells. However, NRP-1 immuno-reaction was detected in the surrounding tumor stroma. Variable immuno-reaction for NRP-1 was also seen in the adjacent normal tumor stroma and the stroma of the benign prostate samples. These observations suggest that neuropilin-1 is expressed in the prostatic stromal cells, not epithelial tumor cells, and this expression is significantly increased in the malignant phenotype.

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September-October 2003
Volume 10 Issue 5

Print ISSN: 1021-335X
Online ISSN:1791-2431

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Spandidos Publications style
Vanveldhuizen PJ, Zulfiqar M, Banerjee S, Cherian R, Saxena NK, Rabe A, Thrasher JB and Banerjee SK: Differential expression of neuropilin-1 in malignant and benign prostatic stromal tissue. Oncol Rep 10: 1067-1071, 2003.
Vanveldhuizen, P.J., Zulfiqar, M., Banerjee, S., Cherian, R., Saxena, N.K., Rabe, A. ... Banerjee, S.K. (2003). Differential expression of neuropilin-1 in malignant and benign prostatic stromal tissue. Oncology Reports, 10, 1067-1071. https://doi.org/10.3892/or.10.5.1067
Vanveldhuizen, P. J., Zulfiqar, M., Banerjee, S., Cherian, R., Saxena, N. K., Rabe, A., Thrasher, J. B., Banerjee, S. K."Differential expression of neuropilin-1 in malignant and benign prostatic stromal tissue". Oncology Reports 10.5 (2003): 1067-1071.
Vanveldhuizen, P. J., Zulfiqar, M., Banerjee, S., Cherian, R., Saxena, N. K., Rabe, A., Thrasher, J. B., Banerjee, S. K."Differential expression of neuropilin-1 in malignant and benign prostatic stromal tissue". Oncology Reports 10, no. 5 (2003): 1067-1071. https://doi.org/10.3892/or.10.5.1067