Prostate derived Ets transcription factor shows better tumor-association than other cancer-associated molecules

  • Authors:
    • Ali Ghadersohi
    • Kunle Odunsi
    • Shashikant Lele
    • Yvonne Collins
    • William R. Greco
    • Janet Winston
    • Ping Liang
    • Ashwani K. Sood
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: February 1, 2004
  • Pages: 453-458
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We previously reported that prostate derived Ets transcription factor (PDEF) is a breast tumor-associated molecule. To obtain further insights into PDEF expression in other human tumor types, a cDNA library database from human adult normal and tumor tissues was compiled and searched for PDEF distribution. The results showed that PDEF is present at relative higher frequencies in the cDNA libraries from brain, breast, lung and ovarian tumors in comparison to those from the corresponding normal tissues. RT/PCR analysis of PDEF expression in ovarian tumors confirmed that PDEF is expressed in 36 out of 51 (71%) ovarian tumors. Further comparison of the distribution of PDEF with other widely recognized cancer-associated molecules showed that PDEF has more restricted distributions than Her-2/neu, Bcl-2, survivin or telomerase in cDNA libraries from normal human tissues and more increased distribution than Her-2/neu, CA-125, Bcl-2, survivin and telomerase in cDNA libraries from brain (except survivin), breast, lung and ovarian tumors. These data together show a better tumor-association for PDEF and suggest that PDEF is a more suitable target for developing specific cancer therapies.

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February 2004
Volume 11 Issue 2

Print ISSN: 1021-335X
Online ISSN:1791-2431

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Spandidos Publications style
Ghadersohi A, Odunsi K, Lele S, Collins Y, Greco WR, Winston J, Liang P and Sood AK: Prostate derived Ets transcription factor shows better tumor-association than other cancer-associated molecules. Oncol Rep 11: 453-458, 2004.
Ghadersohi, A., Odunsi, K., Lele, S., Collins, Y., Greco, W.R., Winston, J. ... Sood, A.K. (2004). Prostate derived Ets transcription factor shows better tumor-association than other cancer-associated molecules. Oncology Reports, 11, 453-458.
Ghadersohi, A., Odunsi, K., Lele, S., Collins, Y., Greco, W. R., Winston, J., Liang, P., Sood, A. K."Prostate derived Ets transcription factor shows better tumor-association than other cancer-associated molecules". Oncology Reports 11.2 (2004): 453-458.
Ghadersohi, A., Odunsi, K., Lele, S., Collins, Y., Greco, W. R., Winston, J., Liang, P., Sood, A. K."Prostate derived Ets transcription factor shows better tumor-association than other cancer-associated molecules". Oncology Reports 11, no. 2 (2004): 453-458.