Interdependency of selected metabolic variables in an animal model of metabolic syndrome
- Authors:
- Zoheir Mellouk
- Abdullah Sener
- Dalila Ait Yahia
- Willy J. Malaisse
View Affiliations
Affiliations: Department of Biology, Es‑Sénia University, Oran, Algeria, Laboratory of Experimental Hormonology, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
- Published online on: August 6, 2014
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In the present study, the correlation between the percentage of glycated hemoglobin, taken as representative of changes in glucose homeostasis, and selected variables was investigated. Rats were treated for 8 weeks with diets containing 64% starch and 5% sunflower oil or containing 64% D‑fructose mixed with: 5% sunflower oil; 3.4% sunflower oil and 1.6% salmon oil; or 3.4% sunflower oil and 1.6% safflower oil. Positive correlations were found between glycated hemoglobin and plasma albumin, urea, creatinine, phospholipids, triglycerides and total cholesterol, liver cholesterol, triglyceride and phospholipid content, and the plasma, liver, heart, kidney, soleus muscle and visceral adipose tissue content of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, carbonyl derivatives and hydroperoxides. Inversely, negative correlations were observed between glycated hemoglobin and plasma calcium, iron and HDL‑cholesterol concentrations, liver, heart, kidney, soleus muscle and visceral adipose tissue superoxide dismutase and catalase activity; as well as plasma, liver, heart, kidney, soleus muscle and visceral adipose tissue nitric oxide content. Only the liver glucokinase activity and liver, heart, kidney, soleus muscle and visceral adipose tissue glutathione reductase activity failed to display a significant correlation with glycated hemoglobin. These findings confirm the hypothesis that there is a close association between glucose homeostasis and other variables when considering the effects of long‑chain polyunsaturated ω3 and ω6 fatty acids in rats with fructose‑induced metabolic syndrome.
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