Open Access

Targeted transplantation of iron oxide‑labeled, adipose‑derived mesenchymal stem cells in promoting meniscus regeneration following a rabbit massive meniscal defect

  • Authors:
    • Yiying Qi
    • Zhigao Yang
    • Qianhai Ding
    • Tengfei Zhao
    • Zhongming Huang
    • Gang Feng
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: December 16, 2015
  • Pages: 458-466
  • Copyright: © Qi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.

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Repair of a massive meniscal defect remains a challenge in the clinic. However, targeted magnetic cell delivery, an emerging technique, may be useful in its treatment. The present study aimed to determine the effect of targeted intra‑articular injection of superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO)‑labeled adipose‑derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs) in a rabbit model of a massive meniscal defect. ASCs may be directly labeled and almost 100% of the ASCs were labeled with SPIO after 24 h; these SPIO‑labeled ASCs may be orientated by magnet. The centrifuged SPIO‑labeled ASCs precipitations may be detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The anterior half of the medial meniscus of 18 New Zealand Rabbits was excised. After 7 days, the rabbits were randomized to injections of 2x106 SPIO‑labeled ASCs, 2x106 unlabeled ASCs or saline. Permanent magnets were fixed to the outside of the operated joints for one day, and after 6 and 12 weeks, the knee joints were examined using MRI, gross and histological observation, and Prussian blue staining. Marked hypointense artifacts caused by SPIO‑positive cells in the meniscus were detected using MRI. Histological observation revealed that the anterior portion of the meniscus was similar to the native tissue, demonstrating typical fibrochondrocytes surrounded by richer extracellular matrix in the SPIO‑ASCs group. Collagen‑rich matrix bridging the interface and the neo‑meniscus integrated well with its host meniscus. Furthermore, degenerative changes occurred in all groups, but intra‑articular injection of SPIO‑ASCs or ASCs alleviated these degenerative changes. Prussian blue staining indicated that the implanted ASCs were directly associated with the regenerated tissue. Overall, targeted intra‑articular delivery of SPIO‑ASCs promoted meniscal regeneration whilst providing protective effects from osteoarthritic damage.
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Volume 11 Issue 2

Print ISSN: 1792-0981
Online ISSN:1792-1015

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Spandidos Publications style
Qi Y, Yang Z, Ding Q, Zhao T, Huang Z and Feng G: Targeted transplantation of iron oxide‑labeled, adipose‑derived mesenchymal stem cells in promoting meniscus regeneration following a rabbit massive meniscal defect. Exp Ther Med 11: 458-466, 2016.
Qi, Y., Yang, Z., Ding, Q., Zhao, T., Huang, Z., & Feng, G. (2016). Targeted transplantation of iron oxide‑labeled, adipose‑derived mesenchymal stem cells in promoting meniscus regeneration following a rabbit massive meniscal defect. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 11, 458-466.
Qi, Y., Yang, Z., Ding, Q., Zhao, T., Huang, Z., Feng, G."Targeted transplantation of iron oxide‑labeled, adipose‑derived mesenchymal stem cells in promoting meniscus regeneration following a rabbit massive meniscal defect". Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 11.2 (2016): 458-466.
Qi, Y., Yang, Z., Ding, Q., Zhao, T., Huang, Z., Feng, G."Targeted transplantation of iron oxide‑labeled, adipose‑derived mesenchymal stem cells in promoting meniscus regeneration following a rabbit massive meniscal defect". Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 11, no. 2 (2016): 458-466.