Open Access

Effects of aged garlic extract on arterial elasticity in a placebo‑controlled clinical trial using EndoPAT™ technology

  • Authors:
    • Joerg Gruenwald
    • Udo Bongartz
    • Gordana Bothe
    • Ralf Uebelhack
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: December 27, 2019
  • Pages: 1490-1499
  • Copyright: © Gruenwald et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.

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Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death in the industrialized world, with the main risk factors being elevated blood pressure and blood lipid levels, leading to arterial stiffness and arteriosclerosis. In this study, we examined the effect of aged garlic extract (AGE) on arterial elasticity, using the EndoPAT™ technology in subjects with slightly elevated blood pressure. This randomized double‑blind, placebo‑controlled clinical trial examined 57 subjects over a period of 12 weeks, with EndoPAT™ measurements taken at 0 and 12 weeks; in addition, changes in blood pressure were analyzed. The positive effect of AGE on blood pressure values previously reported was confirmed. The results revealed a significant decrease in blood pressure in the AGE group, and in particular diastolic blood pressure. Using the EndoPAT™ technology, the augmentation index (AI) was analyzed, which measures arterial stiffness calculated via pulse waveform analysis of the PAT signal; lower AI values reflect better arterial elasticity. The AGE group exhibited a significant improvement in arterial elasticity, measured as AI75, by 21.6%. The result of this well‑controlled clinical trial confirmed the positive effect of AGE on blood pressure. To the best of our knowledge, for the first time, the effect of AGE on arterial elasticity could be proven using the EndoPAT™ methodology. These results not only demonstrate the positive effects of AGE on the relevant risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, but also the direct effect on arterial elasticity. These data clearly indicate that AGE may exert several positive direct effects on the development and progression of cardiovascular diseases.
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Volume 19 Issue 2

Print ISSN: 1792-0981
Online ISSN:1792-1015

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Gruenwald J, Bongartz U, Bothe G and Uebelhack R: Effects of aged garlic extract on arterial elasticity in a placebo‑controlled clinical trial using EndoPAT™ technology. Exp Ther Med 19: 1490-1499, 2020
Gruenwald, J., Bongartz, U., Bothe, G., & Uebelhack, R. (2020). Effects of aged garlic extract on arterial elasticity in a placebo‑controlled clinical trial using EndoPAT™ technology. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 19, 1490-1499.
Gruenwald, J., Bongartz, U., Bothe, G., Uebelhack, R."Effects of aged garlic extract on arterial elasticity in a placebo‑controlled clinical trial using EndoPAT™ technology". Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 19.2 (2020): 1490-1499.
Gruenwald, J., Bongartz, U., Bothe, G., Uebelhack, R."Effects of aged garlic extract on arterial elasticity in a placebo‑controlled clinical trial using EndoPAT™ technology". Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 19, no. 2 (2020): 1490-1499.