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[Comment] COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on mental health of healthcare professionals

  • Authors:
    • Konstantinos Tsamakis
    • Emmanouil Rizos
    • Athanasios J. Manolis
    • Sofia Chaidou
    • Stylianos Kympouropoulos
    • Eleftherios Spartalis
    • Demetrios A. Spandidos
    • Dimitrios Tsiptsios
    • Andreas S. Triantafyllis
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: April 7, 2020
  • Pages: 3451-3453
  • Copyright: © Tsamakis et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.

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In light of the unprecedented public health crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is highly important to acknowledge the psychological impact of this mounting threat on healthcare professionals. Previous experience from smaller scale epidemics and emerging literature around COVID-19 show that the unparalleled amount of stress that healthcare workers are dealing with, is associated with increased psychological morbidities. We have depicted the psychological burden that the COVID-19 pandemic has posed on healthcare professionals in Greece and have reviewed the literature around the effect of previous epidemics on frontline healthcare staff. Moreover, we discuss potential triggers and the need for measures to minimise the psychological pressure on those at the frontline against this biothreat.
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Volume 19 Issue 6

Print ISSN: 1792-0981
Online ISSN:1792-1015

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Tsamakis K, Rizos E, Manolis AJ, Chaidou S, Kympouropoulos S, Spartalis E, Spandidos DA, Tsiptsios D and Triantafyllis AS: [Comment] COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on mental health of healthcare professionals. Exp Ther Med 19: 3451-3453, 2020.
Tsamakis, K., Rizos, E., Manolis, A.J., Chaidou, S., Kympouropoulos, S., Spartalis, E. ... Triantafyllis, A.S. (2020). [Comment] COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on mental health of healthcare professionals. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 19, 3451-3453.
Tsamakis, K., Rizos, E., Manolis, A. J., Chaidou, S., Kympouropoulos, S., Spartalis, E., Spandidos, D. A., Tsiptsios, D., Triantafyllis, A. S."[Comment] COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on mental health of healthcare professionals". Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 19.6 (2020): 3451-3453.
Tsamakis, K., Rizos, E., Manolis, A. J., Chaidou, S., Kympouropoulos, S., Spartalis, E., Spandidos, D. A., Tsiptsios, D., Triantafyllis, A. S."[Comment] COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on mental health of healthcare professionals". Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 19, no. 6 (2020): 3451-3453.