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Treatment for transverse patella fractures with minimally invasive techniques (Review)

  • Authors:
    • Xiang-Yu Ma
    • Bing Liu
    • Da-Peng Zhou
    • Liang-Bi Xiang
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: January 5, 2022
  • Article Number: 192
  • Copyright: © Ma et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.

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The transverse fracture pattern is the most common pattern among patellar fractures. Although open reduction with internal fixation using tension band wiring is the common method for treating the majority of transverse patellar fractures with displacement, this approach has distinct disadvantages, including damage to the blood supply and general post‑operative complications. Therefore, minimally invasive techniques have been introduced to overcome these problems. In the present review, the advanced surgical procedures using Kirschner wires with cerclage, cannulated screw optioning of supplementary cerclage tension banding, external fixation and combined tension‑band braided polyester with a suture button, as well as post‑operative rehabilitation, were described in detail. To improve any malreduction due to poor control of the patellar articular surfaces, the utility of arthroscopically assisted techniques was also presented. The advantages and disadvantages of the above‑mentioned techniques were also discussed. Minimally invasive techniques were demonstrated to achieve improved knee joint mobility, shorter hospitalization and more favorable outcomes. Such techniques decrease the risk of complications compared to conventional open reduction and fixation. Although specific problems associated with each technique still require to be resolved to reduce late complications, such as the onset of patella‑femoral arthritis, minimally invasive techniques remain an alternative option for treating transverse patellar fractures.
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Volume 23 Issue 3

Print ISSN: 1792-0981
Online ISSN:1792-1015

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Ma X, Liu B, Zhou D and Xiang L: Treatment for transverse patella fractures with minimally invasive techniques (Review). Exp Ther Med 23: 192, 2022.
Ma, X., Liu, B., Zhou, D., & Xiang, L. (2022). Treatment for transverse patella fractures with minimally invasive techniques (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 23, 192.
Ma, X., Liu, B., Zhou, D., Xiang, L."Treatment for transverse patella fractures with minimally invasive techniques (Review)". Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 23.3 (2022): 192.
Ma, X., Liu, B., Zhou, D., Xiang, L."Treatment for transverse patella fractures with minimally invasive techniques (Review)". Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 23, no. 3 (2022): 192.