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Three‑dimensional finite element analysis: Anatomical splint fixation for Colles fractures

  • Authors:
    • Fei Huang
    • Rui Tan
    • Meng-Wei Wang
    • Liu-Chao Hu
    • Zhi Wang
    • Shi-Dong Sun
    • Jie-Wen Huang
    • Yi-Wen Luo
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: January 12, 2024
  • Article Number: 98
  • Copyright: © Huang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.

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With the rapid development of digital research in clinical orthopedics, the efficacy and safety of splint fixation can be better evaluated through biomechanical analysis based on a three‑dimensional (3D) finite element model. It is essential to address the current gap in understanding the biomechanical implications of anatomical splint fixation for Colles fractures. By employing advanced 3D finite element analysis, the present study aimed to provide a comprehensive evaluation, offering valuable insights that can contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of anatomical splint fixation in the clinical management of Colles fractures. The 3D finite element models of the forearm and hand were constructed using Mimics 15.0 according to data from computed tomography of a patient with a Colles fracture. After the validity of the model was verified, the corresponding material properties of the models were adjusted to simulate a Colles fracture. Subsequently, the reduction functions, such as radial inclination and ulnar deviation, of the simulated fracture were completed and the mechanical changes of the tissues surrounding the fracture were calculated. Anatomical splints were then placed on the surfaces of the 3D finite element models of Colles fractures at various positions to analyze the changes in the stress cloud diagram, such as for the soft tissue and anatomical splints. In the present study, the constructed 3D finite element models were accurate and valid. The maximum stress of the anatomical splints and soft tissues was 2.346 and 0.106 MPa in pronation, 1.780 and 0.069 MPa in median rotation and 3.045 and 0.057 MPa in supination, respectively. Splint stress reached the highest level in supination and soft tissue stress achieved the highest level in pronation. The peak of splint stress occurred during supination, which contrasts to the peak of soft tissue stress observed in pronation, suggesting splint fixation median rotation can effectively avoid compression of the local soft tissue.
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Volume 27 Issue 3

Print ISSN: 1792-0981
Online ISSN:1792-1015

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Spandidos Publications style
Huang F, Tan R, Wang M, Hu L, Wang Z, Sun S, Huang J and Luo Y: Three‑dimensional finite element analysis: Anatomical splint fixation for Colles fractures. Exp Ther Med 27: 98, 2024.
Huang, F., Tan, R., Wang, M., Hu, L., Wang, Z., Sun, S. ... Luo, Y. (2024). Three‑dimensional finite element analysis: Anatomical splint fixation for Colles fractures. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 27, 98.
Huang, F., Tan, R., Wang, M., Hu, L., Wang, Z., Sun, S., Huang, J., Luo, Y."Three‑dimensional finite element analysis: Anatomical splint fixation for Colles fractures". Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 27.3 (2024): 98.
Huang, F., Tan, R., Wang, M., Hu, L., Wang, Z., Sun, S., Huang, J., Luo, Y."Three‑dimensional finite element analysis: Anatomical splint fixation for Colles fractures". Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 27, no. 3 (2024): 98.