Expression of CYP3A4 by an immortalized human hepatocyte line in a three-dimensional culture using a radial-flow bioreactor.

  • Authors:
    • Ichiro Akiyama
    • Koji Tomiyama
    • Masakiyo Sakaguchi
    • Mikiro Takaishi
    • Masaharu Mori
    • Masakiyo Hosokawa
    • Seishi Nagamori
    • Nobuyoshi Shimizu
    • Nam-Ho Huh
    • Masahiro Miyazaki
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: October 1, 2004
  • Pages: 663-671
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Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A is responsible for about 50% of drug metabolizing activity in the liver. The present study was undertaken to establish a CYP3A4-active model for in vitro analysis of human drug metabolism. The cells used were immortalized normal human fetal hepatocytes (OUMS-29) and its HNF4alpha-introduced subline (OUMS-29/H-11). The cells were cultivated under high-density three-dimensional conditions in a radial-flow bioreactor (RFB). The number of OUMS-29 cells increased 15-fold over 49 days and their apical surfaces were covered with abundant microvilli, a characteristic of hepatocytes in vivo. The amount of albumin secreted by OUMS-29 cells in the three-dimensional RFB culture was 6-fold higher than those in a monolayer culture. CYP3A4 protein and an intermediate metabolite of testosterone by CYP3A4 were detected in OUMS-29/H11 cells cultivated in RFB >29 days. These results indicate that the RFB culture of OUMS-29/H-11 cells is useful for screening and developing new drugs.

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October 2004
Volume 14 Issue 4

Print ISSN: 1107-3756
Online ISSN:1791-244X

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Spandidos Publications style
Akiyama I, Tomiyama K, Sakaguchi M, Takaishi M, Mori M, Hosokawa M, Nagamori S, Shimizu N, Huh N, Miyazaki M, Miyazaki M, et al: Expression of CYP3A4 by an immortalized human hepatocyte line in a three-dimensional culture using a radial-flow bioreactor.. Int J Mol Med 14: 663-671, 2004.
Akiyama, I., Tomiyama, K., Sakaguchi, M., Takaishi, M., Mori, M., Hosokawa, M. ... Miyazaki, M. (2004). Expression of CYP3A4 by an immortalized human hepatocyte line in a three-dimensional culture using a radial-flow bioreactor.. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 14, 663-671.
Akiyama, I., Tomiyama, K., Sakaguchi, M., Takaishi, M., Mori, M., Hosokawa, M., Nagamori, S., Shimizu, N., Huh, N., Miyazaki, M."Expression of CYP3A4 by an immortalized human hepatocyte line in a three-dimensional culture using a radial-flow bioreactor.". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 14.4 (2004): 663-671.
Akiyama, I., Tomiyama, K., Sakaguchi, M., Takaishi, M., Mori, M., Hosokawa, M., Nagamori, S., Shimizu, N., Huh, N., Miyazaki, M."Expression of CYP3A4 by an immortalized human hepatocyte line in a three-dimensional culture using a radial-flow bioreactor.". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 14, no. 4 (2004): 663-671.