Impact of single-dose application of TGF-β, copper peptide, stanozolol and ascorbic acid in hydrogel on midline laparatomy wound healing in a diabetic mouse model

  • Authors:
    • Moritz A. Konerding
    • Thomas Ziebart
    • Tanja Wolloscheck
    • Axel Wellmann
    • Maximilian Ackermann
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: May 18, 2012
  • Pages: 271-276
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Despite numerous advances and improvements in surgical techniques the incidence of incisional hernias after laparotomy remains high. The aim of this study was to investigate possible effects of single application of ascorbic acid, stanozolol, a synthetic anabolic steroid, copper peptide and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) on laparotomy wound healing in an incisional wound model in diabetic mice. After diabetes induction with streptozotozin in Balb-c mice, midline laparatomies were carried out. Closure of the linea alba was followed by single-dose application of the agents dissolved in a hydrogel before skin closure. The functional outcome was assessed in terms of maximum tensile strength. In addition, vessel densities, collagen contents and proliferation, were measured. The breaking strength of the skin 14 days after surgery was significantly higher in ascorbic acid (ΑΑ)-treated incisional wounds, whereas the other agents did not show a significantly better functional outcome. No significant differences were seen in vessel densities. Collagen type III contents was higher in the ΑΑ-treated animals, whereas the percentage of Ki67-positive nuclei was lower compared to the other groups. These data underline the positive effect of topically applied ascorbic acid in wound healing.
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August 2012
Volume 30 Issue 2

Print ISSN: 1107-3756
Online ISSN:1791-244X

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Konerding MA, Ziebart T, Wolloscheck T, Wellmann A and Ackermann M: Impact of single-dose application of TGF-β, copper peptide, stanozolol and ascorbic acid in hydrogel on midline laparatomy wound healing in a diabetic mouse model. Int J Mol Med 30: 271-276, 2012.
Konerding, M.A., Ziebart, T., Wolloscheck, T., Wellmann, A., & Ackermann, M. (2012). Impact of single-dose application of TGF-β, copper peptide, stanozolol and ascorbic acid in hydrogel on midline laparatomy wound healing in a diabetic mouse model. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 30, 271-276.
Konerding, M. A., Ziebart, T., Wolloscheck, T., Wellmann, A., Ackermann, M."Impact of single-dose application of TGF-β, copper peptide, stanozolol and ascorbic acid in hydrogel on midline laparatomy wound healing in a diabetic mouse model". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 30.2 (2012): 271-276.
Konerding, M. A., Ziebart, T., Wolloscheck, T., Wellmann, A., Ackermann, M."Impact of single-dose application of TGF-β, copper peptide, stanozolol and ascorbic acid in hydrogel on midline laparatomy wound healing in a diabetic mouse model". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 30, no. 2 (2012): 271-276.