Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with meningitis using nested PCR

  • Authors:
    • Nora Rios-Sarabia
    • Olivia Hernández-González
    • Jorge González-Y-Merchand
    • Guadalupe Gordillo
    • Guillermo Vázquez-Rosales
    • Leopoldo Muñoz-Pérez
    • Javier Torres
    • Carmen Maldonado-Bernal
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: August 4, 2016
  • Pages: 1289-1295
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Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is the most severe form of tuberculosis. It is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis; MT) and it is very difficult to diagnose. The symptoms are similar to other infectious neurological diseases, such as neurocysticercosis, neuroborreliosis, or herpes viral infection. The aim of this study was to identify tuberculosis (TB) in cases of meningitis with clinical and laboratory evidence suggestive of TBM, and to confirm our findings with molecular tests for TB infection. We recruited patients with neurological symptoms who were examined at the neurology services of Hospitals of Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) in Mexico City. A total of 144 consecutive patients with suggestive infectious meningitis were initially included; 94 cases of meningitis with clinical and laboratory evidence suggestive of TBM were included, but only 50 of these cases fulfilled the criteria for probable TBM. As the controls, we included 50 cases of meningitis with clinical and laboratory evidence suggestive of non-TBM. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was collected from all 100 patients (cases and controls) and tested for TB by multiplex and nested PCR analyses. Nested PCR detected 0.1 fg of M. tuberculosis DNA. TB infection was confirmed with molecular tests in 49 patients from the 50 cases suggestive of TBM and in 1 of the 50 non-TBM cases. The analysis exhibited a sensitivity of 98.0%, a specificity of 92.0%, a positive predictive value of 88.0% and a negative predictive value of 98.0%. The use CSF for the analyses proved to be effective for the rapid diagnosis of TBM using a developed system of multiplex and nested PCR analyses in patients presenting neurological symptoms.
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Volume 38 Issue 4

Print ISSN: 1107-3756
Online ISSN:1791-244X

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Rios-Sarabia N, Hernández-González O, González-Y-Merchand J, Gordillo G, Vázquez-Rosales G, Muñoz-Pérez L, Torres J and Maldonado-Bernal C: Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with meningitis using nested PCR. Int J Mol Med 38: 1289-1295, 2016.
Rios-Sarabia, N., Hernández-González, O., González-Y-Merchand, J., Gordillo, G., Vázquez-Rosales, G., Muñoz-Pérez, L. ... Maldonado-Bernal, C. (2016). Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with meningitis using nested PCR. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 38, 1289-1295.
Rios-Sarabia, N., Hernández-González, O., González-Y-Merchand, J., Gordillo, G., Vázquez-Rosales, G., Muñoz-Pérez, L., Torres, J., Maldonado-Bernal, C."Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with meningitis using nested PCR". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 38.4 (2016): 1289-1295.
Rios-Sarabia, N., Hernández-González, O., González-Y-Merchand, J., Gordillo, G., Vázquez-Rosales, G., Muñoz-Pérez, L., Torres, J., Maldonado-Bernal, C."Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with meningitis using nested PCR". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 38, no. 4 (2016): 1289-1295.