Open Access

Resveratrol induced reactive oxygen species and endoplasmic reticulum stress‑mediated apoptosis, and cell cycle arrest in the A375SM malignant melanoma cell line

  • Authors:
    • Jae‑Rim Heo
    • Soo‑Min Kim
    • Kyung‑A Hwang
    • Ji‑Houn Kang
    • Kyung‑Chul Choi
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: June 15, 2018
  • Pages: 1427-1435
  • Copyright: © Heo et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.

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Resveratrol, a dietary product present in grapes, vegetables and berries, regulates several signaling pathways that control cell division, cell growth, apoptosis and metastasis. Malignant melanoma proliferates more readily in comparison with any other types of skin cancer. In the present study, the anti‑cancer effect of resveratrol on melanoma cell proliferation was evaluated. Treating A375SM cells with resveratrol resulted in a decrease in cell growth. The alteration in the levels of cell cycle‑associated proteins was also examined by western blot analysis. Treatment with resveratrol was observed to increase the gene expression levels of p21 and p27, as well as decrease the gene expression of cyclin B. In addition, the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress were confirmed at the cellular and protein levels using a 2',7'‑dichlorofluorescein diacetate assay, TUNEL assay and western blot analysis. Resveratrol induced the ROS‑p38‑p53 pathway by increasing the gene expression of phosphorylated p38 mitogen‑activated protein kinase, while it induced the p53 and ER stress pathway by increasing the gene expression levels of phosphorylated eukaryotic initiation factor 2α and C/EBP homologous protein. The enhanced ROS‑p38‑p53 and ER stress pathways promoted apoptosis by downregulating B‑cell lymphoma‑2 (Bcl‑2) expression and upregulating Bcl‑2‑associated X protein expression. In conclusion, resveratrol appears to be an inducer of ROS generation and ER stress, and may be responsible for growth inhibition and cell cycle arrest of A375SM melanoma cells.
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Volume 42 Issue 3

Print ISSN: 1107-3756
Online ISSN:1791-244X

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Spandidos Publications style
Heo JR, Kim SM, Hwang KA, Kang JH and Choi KC: Resveratrol induced reactive oxygen species and endoplasmic reticulum stress‑mediated apoptosis, and cell cycle arrest in the A375SM malignant melanoma cell line. Int J Mol Med 42: 1427-1435, 2018.
Heo, J., Kim, S., Hwang, K., Kang, J., & Choi, K. (2018). Resveratrol induced reactive oxygen species and endoplasmic reticulum stress‑mediated apoptosis, and cell cycle arrest in the A375SM malignant melanoma cell line. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 42, 1427-1435.
Heo, J., Kim, S., Hwang, K., Kang, J., Choi, K."Resveratrol induced reactive oxygen species and endoplasmic reticulum stress‑mediated apoptosis, and cell cycle arrest in the A375SM malignant melanoma cell line". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 42.3 (2018): 1427-1435.
Heo, J., Kim, S., Hwang, K., Kang, J., Choi, K."Resveratrol induced reactive oxygen species and endoplasmic reticulum stress‑mediated apoptosis, and cell cycle arrest in the A375SM malignant melanoma cell line". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 42, no. 3 (2018): 1427-1435.