Pheophorbide a, a moiety of chlorophyll a, induces apoptosis in human lymphoid leukemia molt 4B cells.

  • Authors:
    • H Hibasami
    • M Kyohkon
    • S Ohwaki
    • H Katsuzaki
    • K Imai
    • M Nakagawa
    • Y Ishi
    • T Komiya
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: September 1, 2000
  • Pages: 277-286
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The exposure of human lymphoid leukemia Molt 4B cells to pheophorbide a (PPB a), a moiety of chlorophyll a, led both to growth inhibition and induction of programmed cell death (apoptosis). The growth inhibition by PPB a was much stronger than that by chlorophyll a. Morphological change showing apoptotic bodies was observed in the Molt 4B cells treated with PPB a. The fragmentation by PPB a of DNA to oligonucleosomal-sized fragments, that are characteristics of apoptosis, was observed to be concentration- and time-dependent. These findings suggest that growth inhibition by PPB a of Molt 4B cells results from the induction of apoptosis and that PPB a, moiety of chlorophyll a, is essential for exertion of antitumor and apoptosis-inducing activity in these cells.

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Sep 2000
Volume 6 Issue 3

Print ISSN: 1107-3756
Online ISSN:1791-244X

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Spandidos Publications style
Hibasami H, Kyohkon M, Ohwaki S, Katsuzaki H, Imai K, Nakagawa M, Ishi Y and Komiya T: Pheophorbide a, a moiety of chlorophyll a, induces apoptosis in human lymphoid leukemia molt 4B cells.. Int J Mol Med 6: 277-286, 2000.
Hibasami, H., Kyohkon, M., Ohwaki, S., Katsuzaki, H., Imai, K., Nakagawa, M. ... Komiya, T. (2000). Pheophorbide a, a moiety of chlorophyll a, induces apoptosis in human lymphoid leukemia molt 4B cells.. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 6, 277-286.
Hibasami, H., Kyohkon, M., Ohwaki, S., Katsuzaki, H., Imai, K., Nakagawa, M., Ishi, Y., Komiya, T."Pheophorbide a, a moiety of chlorophyll a, induces apoptosis in human lymphoid leukemia molt 4B cells.". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 6.3 (2000): 277-286.
Hibasami, H., Kyohkon, M., Ohwaki, S., Katsuzaki, H., Imai, K., Nakagawa, M., Ishi, Y., Komiya, T."Pheophorbide a, a moiety of chlorophyll a, induces apoptosis in human lymphoid leukemia molt 4B cells.". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 6, no. 3 (2000): 277-286.