Clonal heterogeneity of p53 mutations in ovarian cancer

  • Authors:
    • Kelly J. Manahan
    • Douglas D. Taylor
    • Cicek Gercel-Taylor
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: August 1, 2001
  • Pages: 387-394
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We analyzed clonal populations of ovarian cancer cells for heterogeneity in p53 mutations (exons 4-9) and chemosensitivity. UL-3A cells were developed from a patient with stage IIIC ovarian adenocarcinoma. Heterogeneity in p53 mutations was demonstrated, ranging from point mutations to deletions in exons 4, 6 and 7. UL-3A cells contained two point mutations, in codon 248 of exon 7 and in codon 76 of exon 4. Five groups of clones were identified according to the p53 mutations. UL-3A clones with low p53 levels were more sensitive to CDDP (LD50 <8.0 μg/ml). Heterogeneity of p53 mutations may provide growth advantage during disease progression or chemotherapy.

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August 2001
Volume 19 Issue 2

Print ISSN: 1019-6439
Online ISSN:1791-2423

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Manahan KJ, Taylor DD and Gercel-Taylor C: Clonal heterogeneity of p53 mutations in ovarian cancer. Int J Oncol 19: 387-394, 2001.
Manahan, K.J., Taylor, D.D., & Gercel-Taylor, C. (2001). Clonal heterogeneity of p53 mutations in ovarian cancer. International Journal of Oncology, 19, 387-394.
Manahan, K. J., Taylor, D. D., Gercel-Taylor, C."Clonal heterogeneity of p53 mutations in ovarian cancer". International Journal of Oncology 19.2 (2001): 387-394.
Manahan, K. J., Taylor, D. D., Gercel-Taylor, C."Clonal heterogeneity of p53 mutations in ovarian cancer". International Journal of Oncology 19, no. 2 (2001): 387-394.