The effect of a novel antagonist of growth hormone releasing hormone on cell proliferation and on the key cell signaling pathways in nine different breast cancer cell lines

  • Authors:
    • Eva Pozsgai
    • Andrew V. Schally
    • Eniko Hocsak
    • Marta Zarandi
    • Ferenc Rick
    • Szabolcs Bellyei
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: June 23, 2011
  • Pages: 1025-1032
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Growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) antagonists have been developed for the treatment of various cancers. We investigated the effects of a novel GHRH antagonist, MIA-602, on nine breast cancer cell lines, differing in their expression for estrogen-, progesterone- and HER-2 receptors. We detected the presence of pituitary-type GHRH receptors (pGHRH-R) on 6 of the 9 breast cancer cell lines. The main splice variant of pGHRH-R, SV1, was found on all 9 cell lines. MTT assay showed that following treatment with MIA-602, cell viability decreased significantly in all 9 cell lines. The reduction in cell viability was greater in cells positive for both pGHRH-R and SV1, than in cells positive for only SV1, but the difference was not significant. Using Western blotting, we demonstrated that the levels of phospho-Akt, -GSK3β and -ERK1/2 decreased significantly following exposure to MIA-602 and the level of phospho-p38 increased after treatment. The reduction of the phosphorylated anti-apoptotic proteins was significantly greater in cells where both pGHRH-R and SV1 were present, than where only SV1 was expressed. In conclusion, our study shows that MIA-602 is effective against a wide range of breast cancer cells in vitro, independently of their receptor positivity, suggesting the potential use of GHRH antagonists also in the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer. The effect of MIA-602 was mediated nearly as well in tumors that expressed only the SV1 receptor compared to those in which both SV1 and pGHRH-R were present, although a difference could be detected at the level of cell signaling.

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October 2011
Volume 39 Issue 4

Print ISSN: 1019-6439
Online ISSN:1791-2423

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Spandidos Publications style
Pozsgai E, Schally AV, Hocsak E, Zarandi M, Rick F and Bellyei S: The effect of a novel antagonist of growth hormone releasing hormone on cell proliferation and on the key cell signaling pathways in nine different breast cancer cell lines. Int J Oncol 39: 1025-1032, 2011.
Pozsgai, E., Schally, A.V., Hocsak, E., Zarandi, M., Rick, F., & Bellyei, S. (2011). The effect of a novel antagonist of growth hormone releasing hormone on cell proliferation and on the key cell signaling pathways in nine different breast cancer cell lines. International Journal of Oncology, 39, 1025-1032.
Pozsgai, E., Schally, A. V., Hocsak, E., Zarandi, M., Rick, F., Bellyei, S."The effect of a novel antagonist of growth hormone releasing hormone on cell proliferation and on the key cell signaling pathways in nine different breast cancer cell lines". International Journal of Oncology 39.4 (2011): 1025-1032.
Pozsgai, E., Schally, A. V., Hocsak, E., Zarandi, M., Rick, F., Bellyei, S."The effect of a novel antagonist of growth hormone releasing hormone on cell proliferation and on the key cell signaling pathways in nine different breast cancer cell lines". International Journal of Oncology 39, no. 4 (2011): 1025-1032.