Relative expression of hMena11a and hMenaINV splice isoforms is a useful biomarker in development and progression of human breast carcinoma

  • Authors:
    • Noriyuki Tanaka
    • Hiroshi Yoshida
    • Yoshio Suzuki
    • Kenichi Harigaya
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: August 8, 2014
  • Pages: 1921-1928
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Alternative splicing provides additional genomic complexity by producing multiple mRNAs and protein variants from any given gene. Splice variants have been identified in a large variety of cancer genes, suggesting that widespread aberrant and alternative splicing may be a consequence or even a cause of cancer. Human ortholog of mammalian enabled (hMena), a family of enabled/vasodilator-stimulated phosphoproteins (Ena/VASP), is an actin regulatory protein involved in the regulation of cell motility. hMena has been shown to have several splice variants, including the hMenaINV isoform, expressed in invasive cancer cells, and the epithelial-specific isoform, hMena11a. We assessed the relative mRNA expression of hMena splice variants in 50 cases of invasive ductal breast carcinoma of no special type (IDC-NST) and 45 cases of ductal breast carcinoma in situ (DCIS) with special reference to non-neoplastic breast epithelial tissues. The samples were dissected from their respective regions by laser microdissection. Our results confirmed previous reports that hMenaINV expression is augmented during tumor progression, while hMena11a is downregulated. Furthermore, simultaneous expression of hMena11a and hMenaINV was found only in malignant lesions, while their expression was hardly detected in normal breast tissue and benign proliferative breast lesions. These results indicate that the higher relative expression of hMena11a compared with hMenaINV may predict malignant transformation in breast epithelial cells, and, furthermore, a reversal of expression of hMena11a and hMenaINV may dictate the state of cancer progression. Here, we demonstrate that determination of hMena11a and hMenaINV expression could be a useful biomarker for predicting malignant behavior in breast epithelial lesions, and show that their relative expression is linked to adverse prognostic factors. Although the biological activity of the majority of alternatively spliced isoforms and their contribution to cancer biology has yet to be determined, their elucidation will have a large impact on therapeutic strategies for cancer.
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Volume 45 Issue 5

Print ISSN: 1019-6439
Online ISSN:1791-2423

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Tanaka N, Yoshida H, Suzuki Y and Harigaya K: Relative expression of hMena11a and hMenaINV splice isoforms is a useful biomarker in development and progression of human breast carcinoma. Int J Oncol 45: 1921-1928, 2014.
Tanaka, N., Yoshida, H., Suzuki, Y., & Harigaya, K. (2014). Relative expression of hMena11a and hMenaINV splice isoforms is a useful biomarker in development and progression of human breast carcinoma. International Journal of Oncology, 45, 1921-1928.
Tanaka, N., Yoshida, H., Suzuki, Y., Harigaya, K."Relative expression of hMena11a and hMenaINV splice isoforms is a useful biomarker in development and progression of human breast carcinoma". International Journal of Oncology 45.5 (2014): 1921-1928.
Tanaka, N., Yoshida, H., Suzuki, Y., Harigaya, K."Relative expression of hMena11a and hMenaINV splice isoforms is a useful biomarker in development and progression of human breast carcinoma". International Journal of Oncology 45, no. 5 (2014): 1921-1928.