Downregulation of Msi1 suppresses the growth of human colon cancer by targeting p21cip1

  • Authors:
    • Chao Gao
    • Chun Han
    • Qiyao Yu
    • Yue Guan
    • Na Li
    • Jingjing Zhou
    • Yanming Tian
    • Yi Zhang
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: November 13, 2014
  • Pages: 732-740
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Musashi1 (Msi1), a member of the RNA-binding protein (RBP) family, is highly expressed in neural progenitor or stem cells for the maintenance of stemness as well as in various cancers. Emerging studies have demonstrated that it regulates cell processes by translational activation or suppresses specifically bound mRNA. In the present study, we initially reported remarkably increased expression of Msi1 in colon cancer tissues compared with adjacent non-tumor tissues. Knockdown of Msi1 significantly suppressed the proliferation, colony formation, tumorsphere formation and the progression of implanted colon cancers, and induced cell cycle attest at G0/G1 phase, along with the upregulated expression of p21cip1. Reporter assays using a chimeric mRNA that combined luciferase and the 3'-UTR of p21cip1 revealed that Msi1 decreased the reporter activity through the specific motif. Thus, the current results suggested that downregulation of Msi1 could inhibit the growth of colon cancers and Msi1 may be a promising therapeutic target molecule for human colon cancers.
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Volume 46 Issue 2

Print ISSN: 1019-6439
Online ISSN:1791-2423

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Spandidos Publications style
Gao C, Han C, Yu Q, Guan Y, Li N, Zhou J, Tian Y and Zhang Y: Downregulation of Msi1 suppresses the growth of human colon cancer by targeting p21cip1. Int J Oncol 46: 732-740, 2015.
Gao, C., Han, C., Yu, Q., Guan, Y., Li, N., Zhou, J. ... Zhang, Y. (2015). Downregulation of Msi1 suppresses the growth of human colon cancer by targeting p21cip1. International Journal of Oncology, 46, 732-740.
Gao, C., Han, C., Yu, Q., Guan, Y., Li, N., Zhou, J., Tian, Y., Zhang, Y."Downregulation of Msi1 suppresses the growth of human colon cancer by targeting p21cip1". International Journal of Oncology 46.2 (2015): 732-740.
Gao, C., Han, C., Yu, Q., Guan, Y., Li, N., Zhou, J., Tian, Y., Zhang, Y."Downregulation of Msi1 suppresses the growth of human colon cancer by targeting p21cip1". International Journal of Oncology 46, no. 2 (2015): 732-740.