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E7 oncoprotein from human papillomavirus 16 alters claudins expression and the sealing of epithelial tight junctions

  • Authors:
    • Perla Yaceli Uc
    • Jael Miranda
    • Arturo Raya‑Sandino
    • Lourdes Alarcón
    • María Luisa Roldán
    • Rodolfo Ocadiz‑Delgado
    • Enoc Mariano Cortés‑Malagón
    • Bibiana Chávez‑Munguía
    • Georgina Ramírez
    • René Asomoza
    • Liora Shoshani
    • Patricio Gariglio
    • Lorenza González‑Mariscal
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: July 29, 2020
  • Pages: 905-924
  • Copyright: © Uc et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.

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Tight junctions (TJs) are cell‑cell adhesion structures frequently altered by oncogenic transformation. In the present study the role of human papillomavirus (HPV) 16 E7 oncoprotein on the sealing of TJs was investigated and also the expression level of claudins in mouse cervix and in epithelial Madin‑Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells. It was found that there was reduced expression of claudins ‑1 and ‑10 in the cervix of 7‑month‑old transgenic K14E7 mice treated with 17β‑estradiol (E2), with invasive cancer. In addition, there was also a transient increase in claudin‑1 expression in the cervix of 2‑month‑old K14E7 mice, and claudin‑10 accumulated at the border of cells in the upper layer of the cervix in FvB mice treated with E2, and in K14E7 mice treated with or without E2. These changes were accompanied by an augmented paracellular permeability of the cervix in 2‑ and 7‑month‑old FvB mice treated with E2, which became more pronounced in K14E7 mice treated with or without E2. In MDCK cells the stable expression of E7 increased the space between adjacent cells and altered the architecture of the monolayers, induced the development of an acute peak of transepithelial electrical resistance accompanied by a reduced expression of claudins ‑1, ‑2 and ‑10, and an increase in claudin‑4. Moreover, E7 enhances the ability of MDCK cells to migrate through a 3D matrix and induces cell stiffening and stress fiber formation. These observations revealed that cell transformation induced by HPV16 E7 oncoprotein was accompanied by changes in the pattern of expression of claudins and the degree of sealing of epithelial TJs.
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Volume 57 Issue 4

Print ISSN: 1019-6439
Online ISSN:1791-2423

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Uc PY, Miranda J, Raya‑Sandino A, Alarcón L, Roldán ML, Ocadiz‑Delgado R, Cortés‑Malagón EM, Chávez‑Munguía B, Ramírez G, Asomoza R, Asomoza R, et al: E7 oncoprotein from human papillomavirus 16 alters claudins expression and the sealing of epithelial tight junctions. Int J Oncol 57: 905-924, 2020.
Uc, P.Y., Miranda, J., Raya‑Sandino, A., Alarcón, L., Roldán, M.L., Ocadiz‑Delgado, R. ... González‑Mariscal, L. (2020). E7 oncoprotein from human papillomavirus 16 alters claudins expression and the sealing of epithelial tight junctions. International Journal of Oncology, 57, 905-924.
Uc, P. Y., Miranda, J., Raya‑Sandino, A., Alarcón, L., Roldán, M. L., Ocadiz‑Delgado, R., Cortés‑Malagón, E. M., Chávez‑Munguía, B., Ramírez, G., Asomoza, R., Shoshani, L., Gariglio, P., González‑Mariscal, L."E7 oncoprotein from human papillomavirus 16 alters claudins expression and the sealing of epithelial tight junctions". International Journal of Oncology 57.4 (2020): 905-924.
Uc, P. Y., Miranda, J., Raya‑Sandino, A., Alarcón, L., Roldán, M. L., Ocadiz‑Delgado, R., Cortés‑Malagón, E. M., Chávez‑Munguía, B., Ramírez, G., Asomoza, R., Shoshani, L., Gariglio, P., González‑Mariscal, L."E7 oncoprotein from human papillomavirus 16 alters claudins expression and the sealing of epithelial tight junctions". International Journal of Oncology 57, no. 4 (2020): 905-924.