Everolimus therapy and side‑effects: A systematic review and meta‑analysis

  • Authors:
    • Claudia Arena
    • Maria Eleonora Bizzoca
    • Vito Carlo Alberto Caponio
    • Giuseppe Troiano
    • Khrystyna Zhurakivska
    • Stefania Leuci
    • Lorenzo Lo Muzio
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: June 15, 2021     https://doi.org/10.3892/ijo.2021.5234
  • Article Number: 54
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Recent studies have focused on identifying novel targeted agents in order to reduce the undesired side‑effects of conventional chemotherapeutic agents on normal cells. However, even targeted therapies may exert certain negative effects on healthy tissues. The present systematic review was performed in order to evaluate the type and the incidence of side‑effects in patients treated with everolimus. The PubMed and Scopus databases were searched using the following free words and MESH terms: ‘everolimus’ AND ‘side‑effects’ OR ‘toxicities’ OR ‘adverse events’. A total of 912 potentially relevant studies that were screened based on the title and abstracts were identified. A total of 731 were excluded as they did not fulfil the inclusion criteria. Of the 181 remaining studies included, the adverse events reported were obtained. The primary adverse events reported were stomatitis, leukopenia, anorexia, anaemia and fatigue. The majority of the patients reported adverse events limited to grade 1 or 2. On the whole, the data presented herein confirm the findings of previous studies on the relative safety of everolimus, a targeted therapeutic agent, which differs from that of conventional chemotherapy, and highlight the potential adverse events associated with the therapeutic use of everolimus.
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Volume 59 Issue 1

Print ISSN: 1019-6439
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Arena C, Bizzoca ME, Caponio VC, Troiano G, Zhurakivska K, Leuci S and Lo Muzio L: Everolimus therapy and side‑effects: A systematic review and meta‑analysis. Int J Oncol 59: 54, 2021.
Arena, C., Bizzoca, M.E., Caponio, V.C., Troiano, G., Zhurakivska, K., Leuci, S., & Lo Muzio, L. (2021). Everolimus therapy and side‑effects: A systematic review and meta‑analysis. International Journal of Oncology, 59, 54. https://doi.org/10.3892/ijo.2021.5234
Arena, C., Bizzoca, M. E., Caponio, V. C., Troiano, G., Zhurakivska, K., Leuci, S., Lo Muzio, L."Everolimus therapy and side‑effects: A systematic review and meta‑analysis". International Journal of Oncology 59.1 (2021): 54.
Arena, C., Bizzoca, M. E., Caponio, V. C., Troiano, G., Zhurakivska, K., Leuci, S., Lo Muzio, L."Everolimus therapy and side‑effects: A systematic review and meta‑analysis". International Journal of Oncology 59, no. 1 (2021): 54. https://doi.org/10.3892/ijo.2021.5234