Discrepancies between in silico and in vitro data in the functional analysis of a breast cancer-associated polymorphism in the XRCC6/Ku70 gene

  • Authors:
    • Emanuela Marras
    • Petra Willems
    • Veerle Vandersickel
    • Isabella Ceriani
    • Hubert Thierens
    • Anne Vral
    • Gianpaolo Perletti
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: November 1, 2008     https://doi.org/10.3892/mmr_00000032
  • Pages: 805-812
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Previous results from our research group have shown that the c.-1310 C↷G single nucleotide polymorphism in the promoter region of the XRCC6/Ku70 gene is significantly associated with breast cancer in a sample human patient population. In an attempt to attribute a functional meaning to this polymorphism, we performed a thorough analysis using a number of established in silico tools that strongly suggested that the c.-1310C↷G transversion would activate a cryptic splicing acceptor located upstream of the canonical promoter of Ku70, but downstream of a putative alternative promoter (PAP) of the same gene. Experimental investigation of alternative transcripts, as well as of the activity of the PAP detected in silico, did not support the initial hypothesis of a functional role of the c.-1310C↷G mutation in alternative splicing. Although a functional role of the SNP has yet to be determined, some evidence points to the linkage disequilibrium of the G variant of the polymorphism, with mutations located at critical sites within the promoter region of Ku70.

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November-December 2008
Volume 1 Issue 6

Print ISSN: 1791-2997
Online ISSN:1791-3004

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Marras E, Willems P, Vandersickel V, Ceriani I, Thierens H, Vral A and Perletti G: Discrepancies between in silico and in vitro data in the functional analysis of a breast cancer-associated polymorphism in the XRCC6/Ku70 gene. Mol Med Rep 1: 805-812, 2008.
Marras, E., Willems, P., Vandersickel, V., Ceriani, I., Thierens, H., Vral, A., & Perletti, G. (2008). Discrepancies between in silico and in vitro data in the functional analysis of a breast cancer-associated polymorphism in the XRCC6/Ku70 gene. Molecular Medicine Reports, 1, 805-812. https://doi.org/10.3892/mmr_00000032
Marras, E., Willems, P., Vandersickel, V., Ceriani, I., Thierens, H., Vral, A., Perletti, G."Discrepancies between in silico and in vitro data in the functional analysis of a breast cancer-associated polymorphism in the XRCC6/Ku70 gene". Molecular Medicine Reports 1.6 (2008): 805-812.
Marras, E., Willems, P., Vandersickel, V., Ceriani, I., Thierens, H., Vral, A., Perletti, G."Discrepancies between in silico and in vitro data in the functional analysis of a breast cancer-associated polymorphism in the XRCC6/Ku70 gene". Molecular Medicine Reports 1, no. 6 (2008): 805-812. https://doi.org/10.3892/mmr_00000032