Adrenal lymphangioma removed by a retroperitoneoscopic procedure
- Authors:
- Published online on: December 4, 2012
- Pages: 539-540
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We report a case of an adrenal lymphangioma removed by retroperitoneal laparoscopy. A 45‑year‑old female was referred to the urological ward for an adrenal mass that was incidentally detected by ultrasound examination one month earlier. An abdominal ultrasonography (US) scan revealed a 3.0 cm anechoic cystic mass, while a computed tomography (CT) scan revealed a 3.0x2.7 cm left adrenal cystic mass, which was suspected to be an adrenal cyst. The patient underwent retroperitoneoscopic removal of the tumor. Pathological evaluation revealed a cystic lymphangioma in the left adrenal gland.