Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the HIF‑1α gene and chemoradiotherapy of locally advanced rectal cancer

  • Authors:
    • Birgitte Mayland Havelund
    • Karen‑Lise Garm Spindler
    • John Ploen
    • Rikke Fredslund Andersen
    • Anders Jakobsen
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: July 31, 2012
  • Pages: 1056-1060
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The aim of this study was to investigate the predictive impact of polymorphisms in the HIF‑1α gene on the response to chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in rectal cancer. This study included two cohorts of patients with locally advanced rectal cancer receiving long‑course CRT. The HIF‑1α C1772T (rs11549465), G1790A (rs11549467) and c*191T>C (rs2057482) polymorphisms were investigated in the test cohort (n=65), and HIF‑1α c*191T>C was analysed in the validation cohort (n=198). No correlations were identified between the polymorphisms and clinicopathological factors. The HIF‑1α C1772T and HIF‑1α G1790A polymorphisms demonstrated no correlation with tumour response to CRT in the test cohort. The HIF‑1α c*191T>C CC genotype was marginally associated with a higher rate of complete tumour response (P=0.05) in the test cohort, while the HIF‑1α c*191T>C CC genotype was associated with a poor tumour response (P=0.03) in the validation cohort. In conclusion, these results suggest that HIF‑1α polymorphisms have no value as predictors of response to neoadjuvant CRT in rectal cancer. The results of the HIF‑1α c*191T>C in two cohorts differ and emphasise the importance of biomarker validation.
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November 2012
Volume 4 Issue 5

Print ISSN: 1792-1074
Online ISSN:1792-1082

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Spandidos Publications style
Havelund BM, Spindler KLG, Ploen J, Andersen RF and Jakobsen A: Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the HIF‑1α gene and chemoradiotherapy of locally advanced rectal cancer. Oncol Lett 4: 1056-1060, 2012.
Havelund, B.M., Spindler, K.G., Ploen, J., Andersen, R.F., & Jakobsen, A. (2012). Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the HIF‑1α gene and chemoradiotherapy of locally advanced rectal cancer. Oncology Letters, 4, 1056-1060.
Havelund, B. M., Spindler, K. G., Ploen, J., Andersen, R. F., Jakobsen, A."Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the HIF‑1α gene and chemoradiotherapy of locally advanced rectal cancer". Oncology Letters 4.5 (2012): 1056-1060.
Havelund, B. M., Spindler, K. G., Ploen, J., Andersen, R. F., Jakobsen, A."Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the HIF‑1α gene and chemoradiotherapy of locally advanced rectal cancer". Oncology Letters 4, no. 5 (2012): 1056-1060.