Hemithyroidectomy increases the risk of disease recurrence in patients with ipsilateral multifocal papillary thyroid carcinoma

  • Authors:
    • Xiaolong Li
    • Cui Zhao
    • Dandan Hu
    • Yang Yu
    • Jin Gao
    • Wenchuan Zhao
    • Ming Gao
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: February 19, 2013     https://doi.org/10.3892/ol.2013.1202
  • Pages: 1412-1416
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Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is often clinically multifocal. In this study, the clinicopathological characteristics of a total of 347 PTC patients treated between 2006 and 2007 were investigated in order to assess the risk factors for tumor recurrence in patients with multifocal PTC. Of all the PTC cases reviewed, 35 (10%) were categorized as multifocal PTC. Patients with multifocal PTC were significantly more likely to have extrathyroidal extension, lymph node metastases and disease recurrence (P<0.05). Hemithyroidectomy resulted in a significantly higher incidence of tumor recurrence in patients with ipsilateral multifocal PTC compared with unifocal PTC patients (P<0.01). In conclusion, hemithyroidectomy was associated with tumor recurrence in patients with ipsilateral multifocal PTC but not those with unifocal PTC. Hemithyroidectomy should only be carried out after careful deliberation when involving patients with ipsilateral multifocal PTC.
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April 2013
Volume 5 Issue 4

Print ISSN: 1792-1074
Online ISSN:1792-1082

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Spandidos Publications style
Li X, Zhao C, Hu D, Yu Y, Gao J, Zhao W and Gao M: Hemithyroidectomy increases the risk of disease recurrence in patients with ipsilateral multifocal papillary thyroid carcinoma. Oncol Lett 5: 1412-1416, 2013.
Li, X., Zhao, C., Hu, D., Yu, Y., Gao, J., Zhao, W., & Gao, M. (2013). Hemithyroidectomy increases the risk of disease recurrence in patients with ipsilateral multifocal papillary thyroid carcinoma. Oncology Letters, 5, 1412-1416. https://doi.org/10.3892/ol.2013.1202
Li, X., Zhao, C., Hu, D., Yu, Y., Gao, J., Zhao, W., Gao, M."Hemithyroidectomy increases the risk of disease recurrence in patients with ipsilateral multifocal papillary thyroid carcinoma". Oncology Letters 5.4 (2013): 1412-1416.
Li, X., Zhao, C., Hu, D., Yu, Y., Gao, J., Zhao, W., Gao, M."Hemithyroidectomy increases the risk of disease recurrence in patients with ipsilateral multifocal papillary thyroid carcinoma". Oncology Letters 5, no. 4 (2013): 1412-1416. https://doi.org/10.3892/ol.2013.1202