Giant primary retroperitoneal teratoma in an adult female patient: A case report

  • Authors:
    • Xiao Huang
    • Ben Liu
    • Liping Xie
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: June 4, 2013
  • Pages: 460-462
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The retroperitoneum is an uncommon location for teratoma in adults. The current study presents the case of a rare giant primary retroperitoneal teratoma in a 55‑year‑old female. The clinical manifestations, diagnosis and surgical treatment procedure of this case are retrospectively reviewed. The patient presented with a complaint of an abdominal palpable mass and fullness for 1 month. The patient suffered a massive hemorrhage during the first exploratory laparotomyand only a small section of the tumor was resected. Pathology revealed a mature retroperitoneal teratoma. Eleven months after the first surgery, the tumor was resected successfully at the second laparotomy. The surgical specimen was a large tumor mass measuring 22x18x10 cm in size and weighing 6 kg. At follow‑up, the patient was in a stable condition. This case study highlights the importance of imaging for the development of a pre‑operative strategy and performing a safe surgical excision in giant retroperitoneal teratoma cases.
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August 2013
Volume 6 Issue 2

Print ISSN: 1792-1074
Online ISSN:1792-1082

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Huang X, Liu B and Xie L: Giant primary retroperitoneal teratoma in an adult female patient: A case report. Oncol Lett 6: 460-462, 2013.
Huang, X., Liu, B., & Xie, L. (2013). Giant primary retroperitoneal teratoma in an adult female patient: A case report. Oncology Letters, 6, 460-462.
Huang, X., Liu, B., Xie, L."Giant primary retroperitoneal teratoma in an adult female patient: A case report". Oncology Letters 6.2 (2013): 460-462.
Huang, X., Liu, B., Xie, L."Giant primary retroperitoneal teratoma in an adult female patient: A case report". Oncology Letters 6, no. 2 (2013): 460-462.