NUP214 fusion genes in acute leukemia (Review)

  • Authors:
    • Min‑Hang Zhou
    • Qing‑Ming Yang
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: June 18, 2014
  • Pages: 959-962
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Nucleoporin 214 (NUP214), previously termed CAN, is required for cell cycle and nucleocytoplasmic transport. The genetic features and clinical implications of five NUP214‑associated fusion genes are described in this review. SET‑NUP214 was most frequently observed in T‑cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T‑ALL), concomitant with the elevated expression of HOXA cluster genes. Furthermore, the fusion transcript may be regarded as a potential minimal residual disease marker for SET‑NUP214‑positive patients. Episomal amplifications of NUP214‑ABL1 are specific to T‑ALL patients. The NUP214‑ABL1 gene is observed in ~6% of T‑ALL, in children and adults. Targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitors plus standard chemotherapy appear to present a promising treatment strategy. DEK‑NUP214 is formed by the fusion of exon 2 of DEK and exon 6 of NUP214. Achieving molecular negativity of DEK‑NUP214 is of great importance for individual management. SQSTM1‑NUP214 and NUP214‑XKR3 were only identified in one T‑ALL patient and one cell line, respectively. The NUP214 fusions have significant diagnostic and therapeutic implications for leukemia patients. Additional NUP214‑associated fusions require identification in future studies.
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Volume 8 Issue 3

Print ISSN: 1792-1074
Online ISSN:1792-1082

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Zhou MH and Yang QM: NUP214 fusion genes in acute leukemia (Review). Oncol Lett 8: 959-962, 2014.
Zhou, M., & Yang, Q. (2014). NUP214 fusion genes in acute leukemia (Review). Oncology Letters, 8, 959-962.
Zhou, M., Yang, Q."NUP214 fusion genes in acute leukemia (Review)". Oncology Letters 8.3 (2014): 959-962.
Zhou, M., Yang, Q."NUP214 fusion genes in acute leukemia (Review)". Oncology Letters 8, no. 3 (2014): 959-962.