Immunoexpression of lactoferrin in triple-negative breast cancer patients: A proposal to select a less aggressive subgroup

  • Authors:
    • Antonio Ieni
    • Valeria Barresi
    • Luana Licata
    • Roberta Cardia
    • Carmine Fazzari
    • Giuseppe Nuciforo
    • Francesco Caruso
    • Michele Caruso
    • Vincenzo Adamo
    • Giovanni Tuccari
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: March 14, 2017
  • Pages: 3205-3209
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Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) indicates a subset of breast carcinomas that does not express estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and human epidermal growth factor receptor‑2 (HER2). According to the literature, TNBCs are aggressive tumors, characterized by a high incidence of recurrence and a high risk of disease progression. Lactoferrin (LF) is a single‑chain, iron‑binding glycoprotein of ~700 amino acids, which is involved in a wide range of biological activities, including iron‑trafficking and carcinogenesis. The present study aimed to assess LF expression in human TNBC samples and the possible correlation with clinico‑pathological parameters associated with biological aggressiveness. LF immunohistochemical expression was investigated in formalin‑fixed, paraffin‑embedded samples of human TNBC. Cases were analyzed according to an intensity distribution (ID) score, and only those showing an ID score of >2 were considered as positive for LF. LF immunostaining was encountered in 26.15% cases. A significant correlation was found between LF expression and a low Ki‑67 labeling index (P=0.040), the absence of recurrence (P=0.010) and alive status (P=0.020). LF may assist in identifying a subset of TNBC with less aggressive biological behavior. The meaning of LF expression in TNBC remains unclear and is controversial. The present findings indicated that LF expression is correlated with a low growth fraction in these tumors. Thus, it is possible that the inhibition of the LF axis may be a valid therapeutic target for TNBC, and this should be confirmed by future studies.
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Volume 13 Issue 5

Print ISSN: 1792-1074
Online ISSN:1792-1082

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Spandidos Publications style
Ieni A, Barresi V, Licata L, Cardia R, Fazzari C, Nuciforo G, Caruso F, Caruso M, Adamo V, Tuccari G, Tuccari G, et al: Immunoexpression of lactoferrin in triple-negative breast cancer patients: A proposal to select a less aggressive subgroup. Oncol Lett 13: 3205-3209, 2017.
Ieni, A., Barresi, V., Licata, L., Cardia, R., Fazzari, C., Nuciforo, G. ... Tuccari, G. (2017). Immunoexpression of lactoferrin in triple-negative breast cancer patients: A proposal to select a less aggressive subgroup. Oncology Letters, 13, 3205-3209.
Ieni, A., Barresi, V., Licata, L., Cardia, R., Fazzari, C., Nuciforo, G., Caruso, F., Caruso, M., Adamo, V., Tuccari, G."Immunoexpression of lactoferrin in triple-negative breast cancer patients: A proposal to select a less aggressive subgroup". Oncology Letters 13.5 (2017): 3205-3209.
Ieni, A., Barresi, V., Licata, L., Cardia, R., Fazzari, C., Nuciforo, G., Caruso, F., Caruso, M., Adamo, V., Tuccari, G."Immunoexpression of lactoferrin in triple-negative breast cancer patients: A proposal to select a less aggressive subgroup". Oncology Letters 13, no. 5 (2017): 3205-3209.