Two serine residues of non-metastasis protein 23-H1 are critical in inhibiting signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 activity in human lung cancer cells

  • Authors:
    • Zhihao Wu
    • Lili Guo
    • Jiangnan Ge
    • Zhijian Zhang
    • Huijun Wei
    • Qinghua Zhou
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: June 9, 2017
  • Pages: 2475-2482
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Constitutive activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) in numerous cancers, including lung cancer, is one of the major mechanisms of tumor progression and metastasis. The authors previously reported that the metastasis suppressor non‑metastasis protein 23‑H1 (Nm23‑H1) negatively regulates STAT3 activity by inhibiting its phosphorylation on Tyr705. Nm23‑H1 is a multifunction protein that has three different kinase activities. By transfecting the five mutants that inactivated three different kinase activities respectively into Nm23‑H1 deficient lung cancer cell lines, it was identified that Nm23‑H1S44A (Ser44 to Ala) and Nm23‑H1S120G (Ser120 to Gly) mutant forms were unable to suppress STAT3 phosphorylation on Tyr705, resulting in increased expression of fibronectin and matrix metalloproteinase-9. Notably, protein inhibitor of activated STAT3 was also involved in Nm23‑H1S44A‑ and Nm23‑H1S120G‑mediated suppression of STAT3 phosphorylation. The present results indicated that Ser44 and Ser120 sites of Nm23‑H1 may be responsible for its biological suppressive effects of STAT3 and tumor metastasis, which may contribute to illuminate the metastasis suppression function of Nm23‑H1 in lung cancer.
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Volume 14 Issue 2

Print ISSN: 1792-1074
Online ISSN:1792-1082

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Wu Z, Guo L, Ge J, Zhang Z, Wei H and Zhou Q: Two serine residues of non-metastasis protein 23-H1 are critical in inhibiting signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 activity in human lung cancer cells. Oncol Lett 14: 2475-2482, 2017.
Wu, Z., Guo, L., Ge, J., Zhang, Z., Wei, H., & Zhou, Q. (2017). Two serine residues of non-metastasis protein 23-H1 are critical in inhibiting signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 activity in human lung cancer cells. Oncology Letters, 14, 2475-2482.
Wu, Z., Guo, L., Ge, J., Zhang, Z., Wei, H., Zhou, Q."Two serine residues of non-metastasis protein 23-H1 are critical in inhibiting signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 activity in human lung cancer cells". Oncology Letters 14.2 (2017): 2475-2482.
Wu, Z., Guo, L., Ge, J., Zhang, Z., Wei, H., Zhou, Q."Two serine residues of non-metastasis protein 23-H1 are critical in inhibiting signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 activity in human lung cancer cells". Oncology Letters 14, no. 2 (2017): 2475-2482.