An exceptional presentation of pituicytoma apoplexy: A case report

  • Authors:
    • Giulia Cossu
    • Julien Dimitriou
    • Jean‑Philippe Brouland
    • Roy Thomas Daniel
    • Mahmoud Messerer
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: May 3, 2018
  • Pages: 643-647
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Pituicytomas are a rare form of indolent neoplasms, which typically present with visual disturbance and hypopituitarism. Complete resection by a trans‑sphenoidal approach is the optimal treatment. Only 80 cases have been described thus far in the current literature and the present case is the first to describe the development of pituitary apoplexy in the context of a pituicytoma. A 77‑year‑old man presented with fatigue and clinical signs of hypogonadism and a sellar lesion was diagnosed at cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A watch‑and‑wait management was initially decided and 1 year after the initial diagnosis, he presented with a thunderclap headache with images suggestive of pituitary apoplexy. A pituitary adenoma was suspected and an endoscopic resection was decided upon the development of a visual deficit. Pathological analysis established the correct diagnosis of a pituicytoma. Pituicytomas are characterised by dense vascularisation, thus ischaemic and haemorrhagic events may be common. When confronted with a hypervascularised pituitary lesion demonstrating strong contrast enhancement and no abnormal hormonal secretion, one must maintain a high index of suspicion for a pituicytoma. A wide range of differential diagnoses should thus be considered in the context of pituitary apoplexy.
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Volume 16 Issue 1

Print ISSN: 1792-1074
Online ISSN:1792-1082

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Cossu G, Dimitriou J, Brouland JP, Daniel RT and Messerer M: An exceptional presentation of pituicytoma apoplexy: A case report. Oncol Lett 16: 643-647, 2018.
Cossu, G., Dimitriou, J., Brouland, J., Daniel, R.T., & Messerer, M. (2018). An exceptional presentation of pituicytoma apoplexy: A case report. Oncology Letters, 16, 643-647.
Cossu, G., Dimitriou, J., Brouland, J., Daniel, R. T., Messerer, M."An exceptional presentation of pituicytoma apoplexy: A case report". Oncology Letters 16.1 (2018): 643-647.
Cossu, G., Dimitriou, J., Brouland, J., Daniel, R. T., Messerer, M."An exceptional presentation of pituicytoma apoplexy: A case report". Oncology Letters 16, no. 1 (2018): 643-647.