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Effectiveness of fibrin sealant as a hemostatic technique in accelerating endoscopic submucosal dissection-induced ulcer healing and preventing stricture in the esophagus: A retrospective study

  • Authors:
    • Jing Wang
    • Shao-Lei Li
    • Nan Wu
    • Qi Wu
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: June 25, 2020
  • Pages: 2322-2330
  • Copyright: © Wang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.

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The aim of the present retrospective study was to evaluate the effectiveness of conservative electrocoagulation followed by porcine fibrin sealant (FS) as a protective hemostatic technique for wounded microvessels in promoting the healing of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD)‑induced ulcer, and preventing esophageal strictures that follow ESD. A total of 203 patients with early esophageal cancer or precancerous lesions were retrospectively analyzed. The 1‑month ulcer healing and stricture rates were compared between the two groups (combined hemostats and electrocautery groups). The 1‑month complete healing rate was 77.0% in the combined hemostats group and 52.6% in the electrocautery group (P=0.003). The use of FS and a smaller resected range (<3/4 circumference) was associated with a better 1‑month healing rate. For patients with a ≥3/4 circumference mucosal defect, the esophageal stricture rate was 31.6% (6/19) in the combined hemostats group and 25.0% (2/8) in the electrocautery group. There was no difference in the stricture rate (P=0.737) and dilation time (P=0.733) between the two groups. In conclusion, the application of conservative electrocoagulation followed by porcine FS as a wound‑protection technique promoted ESD‑induced ulcer healing in the esophagus. However, this combined hemostatic technique was not superior to the conventional hemostatic method in preventing post‑ESD stricture in patients with large esophageal mucosal defects.
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Volume 20 Issue 3

Print ISSN: 1792-1074
Online ISSN:1792-1082

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Spandidos Publications style
Wang J, Li S, Wu N and Wu Q: Effectiveness of fibrin sealant as a hemostatic technique in accelerating endoscopic submucosal dissection-induced ulcer healing and preventing stricture in the esophagus: A retrospective study. Oncol Lett 20: 2322-2330, 2020.
Wang, J., Li, S., Wu, N., & Wu, Q. (2020). Effectiveness of fibrin sealant as a hemostatic technique in accelerating endoscopic submucosal dissection-induced ulcer healing and preventing stricture in the esophagus: A retrospective study. Oncology Letters, 20, 2322-2330.
Wang, J., Li, S., Wu, N., Wu, Q."Effectiveness of fibrin sealant as a hemostatic technique in accelerating endoscopic submucosal dissection-induced ulcer healing and preventing stricture in the esophagus: A retrospective study". Oncology Letters 20.3 (2020): 2322-2330.
Wang, J., Li, S., Wu, N., Wu, Q."Effectiveness of fibrin sealant as a hemostatic technique in accelerating endoscopic submucosal dissection-induced ulcer healing and preventing stricture in the esophagus: A retrospective study". Oncology Letters 20, no. 3 (2020): 2322-2330.