Open Access

Long non‑coding RNAs as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for colorectal cancer (Review)

  • Authors:
    • Yuning Lin
    • Wenzhen Zhao
    • Ruonan Pu
    • Zhenyi Lv
    • Hongyan Xie
    • Ying Li
    • Zhongying Zhang
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: August 8, 2024
  • Article Number: 486
  • Copyright: © Lin et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.

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Colorectal cancer (CRC) ranks as the 3rd most common cancer globally and is the 2nd leading cause of cancer‑related death. Owing to the lack of specific early symptoms and the limitations of existing early diagnostic methods, most patients with CRC are diagnosed at advanced stages. To overcome these challenges, researchers have increasingly focused on molecular biomarkers, with particular interest in long non‑coding RNAs (lncRNAs). These non‑protein‑coding RNAs, which exceed 200 nucleotides in length, play critical roles in the development and progression of CRC. The stability and detectability of lncRNAs in the circulatory system make them promising candidate biomarkers. The analysis of circulating lncRNAs in peripheral blood represents a potential option for minimally invasive diagnostic tests based on liquid biopsy samples. The present review aimed to evaluate the efficacy of lncRNAs with altered expression levels in peripheral blood as diagnostic markers for CRC. Additionally, the clinical significance of lncRNAs as prognostic markers for this disease were summarized.


The incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) in people aged ≥65 in high-income countries has declined since 2012. However, in people <55 years of age, the incidence has increased by 1–2% per year. The death rates in men and women decreased by 1.8% per year from 2012-2021, according to the latest report. Despite these improvements, CRC remains the 3rd most common type of cancer worldwide and the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths globally (1). The survival rate of patients with CRC is significantly influenced by the stage at which the tumor is detected, with an overall 5-year survival rate of ~65% (2). Common diagnostic methods for CRC include the fecal occult blood test (FOBT), the fecal immunochemical test (FIT), colonoscopy and computed tomography (CT) colonography. FOBT and FIT are non-invasive screening methods; the former detects hidden blood in the stool, whereas the latter detects human hemoglobin in the stool. However, neither method can reveal the exact location of the lesions, and they have relatively high false-positive and false-negative rates (3). Colonoscopy is the gold standard for diagnosing CRC, providing direct visualization and allowing for pathological analysis. Although highly accurate, it is invasive, expensive, and requires bowel preparation and anesthesia, which poses some risks (4). CT colonography generates a 3D image of the colon via CT scans. Although it is non-invasive, its resolution and detection sensitivity have limitations (5). The diagnosis of CRC usually begins with a preliminary screening with the FOBT and FIT, followed by imaging tests such as CT scans and magnetic resonance imaging to assess the spread of the cancer. The most effective method of diagnosis is endoscopy, as the lesions can be directly observed through colonoscopy and the cancer can be confirmed by biopsy (68). CRC is classified into 4 stages on the basis of the TNM system as follows: i) Stage I, the cancer is confined to the intestinal wall and has not spread to the lymph nodes or beyond; ii) stage II, cancer invades deeper into the intestinal wall or adjacent structures but does not spread far; iii) Stage III, cancer spreads to regional lymph nodes without distant metastasis; and iv) stage IV, the cancer has spread to a distant organ or site. ‘Advanced’ CRC usually refers to stages III and IV (9,10). Owing to the absence of distinct early-stage symptoms and limitations in early diagnostic methods, most patients with CRC are diagnosed at an advanced stage. In total, ~50% of the patients with CRC develop metastases, with the liver being the primary metastatic site and the most frequent cause of death (11). Recurrence patterns differ by location: 20% of right-sided colon cancer recurrences exhibited peritoneal dissemination, 42% of left-sided colon cancer recurrences were liver metastases and 33% of rectal cancer recurrences were local (12). CRC is unique in that it can be prevented and cured through the early identification and removal of high-risk adenomas (13). Therefore, implementing early detection screening programs is crucial for reducing the incidence and mortality of this disease. Early detection increases the likelihood of successful treatment and improves patient health outcomes (14). Colonoscopy is a widely accepted and effective screening method for CRC detection, despite certain risks, such as bleeding during sampling or polyp removal, and other potential complications (15). In recent years, advanced molecular techniques have played a significant role in the early diagnosis and treatment of various cancers, including CRC, by revealing the genetic mechanisms underlying CRC (16). Understanding these molecular mechanisms is crucial for addressing colon cancer. Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) have been shown to be involved in the onset and progression of colon cancer (17,18). These ncRNAs, which are mostly not translated into proteins, play significant roles in various cellular and physiological processes (19). Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), which are longer than 200 nucleotides, participate in numerous biological processes, including cell proliferation, differentiation, development, apoptosis and metastasis. They often act as competitive endogenous RNAs (ceRNAs) to regulate the expression of specific miRNAs, thereby targeting molecules downstream of these miRNAs (20). lncRNAs can interact with RNA, DNA and proteins to form RNA-RNA, RNA-DNA and RNA-protein complexes that regulate gene expression through by affecting transcription, mRNA stability and translation (21,22). Numerous studies suggest that lncRNAs are crucial in cancer-related biological processes, including apoptosis, cell proliferation, cell invasion and metastasis (2325).

History of lncRNAs

In 1984, Pachnis et al (26) discovered the first eukaryotic lncRNA in mice and named it H19. This lncRNA was identified as a highly abundant fetal transcript in mice. Initially, scientists focused primarily on mRNAs, which encode proteins, whereas ncRNAs were dismissed ‘noise’ or ‘byproducts’. However, as technology has advanced and research has progressed, it has become clear that ncRNAs play crucial roles in gene regulation, epigenetics and disease development. The research on lncRNAs can be traced back to a series of groundbreaking studies in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. In 2002, researchers identified a lncRNA associated with gene silencing on the X chromosome (27). Subsequently, Guttman et al (19) discovered HOTAIR, a lncRNA that significantly influences gene locus regulation. In 2009, Rinn et al (28) identified HOTTIP, a different lncRNA located in the HOX gene cluster, noting its crucial involvement in gene locus regulation. Additionally, lncRNAs have been reported to play essential roles in embryonic development (29). Previous studies have also highlighted the involvement of lncRNAs in tumor initiation and progression, sparking intense research into their roles in cancer (20,30,31).

lncRNA localization and related research techniques

lncRNAs can be found in the cytoplasm (32), nucleus (33), nucleolus (34) and other subcellular regions and vesicles (such as nucleoli and exosomes). The localization of these proteins is associated with their molecular functions (32,35). Certain sequence motifs in their primary sequences are associated with subcellular localization (36). Investigating the localization of lncRNAs is crucial for understanding their roles in gene regulation, disease development and cellular functions. Compared with mRNAs, a greater proportion of lncRNAs are localized in the nucleus. An analysis of the overall characteristics of lncRNAs and mRNAs revealed that lncRNA genes are less evolutionarily conserved, contain fewer exons, and are expressed at lower levels (3741). Different polyadenylation signals within lncRNAs can also influence their subcellular localization. For example, the CCAT1 lncRNA gene produces two isoforms: The long isoform (CCAT1-L) is expressed in the nucleus and includes an internal polyadenylation site that corresponds to the 3′ end of the short isoform (CCAT1-S), which is expressed in the cytoplasm (42). Nuclear lncRNAs can play a regulatory role in gene expression; for example, Xist RNA located on the X chromosome achieves X chromosome inactivation by silencing genes on the X chromosome (43). Numerous lncRNAs in the nucleus interact with chromatin modification complexes, affecting chromatin structure and gene expression; for example, HOTAIR binds to polycomb reactive complex 2 (PRC2), promoting the formation of H3K27me3 marks (29). NEAT1 is an lncRNA located in the nucleolus that plays an important role in paraspeckle formation and mRNA maturation (44). NEAT1 and MALAT1 are well-known nucleolar lncRNAs that play roles in maintaining nucleolar structure and RNA processing (45). Certain lncRNAs regulate mRNA stability and translation efficiency by binding to the target mRNAs in the cytoplasm. For instance, the lncRNA Linc-ROR protects mRNAs from degradation by binding to miRNAs, thereby influencing protein synthesis (46). Cytoplasmic lncRNAs can also act as molecular sponges, sequestering miRNAs and preventing them from binding to their target miRNAs. For example, the lncRNA PTENP1 regulates the expression of PTEN genes by binding to miRNAs, thus impacting the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway (47). H19, located on the cell membrane, is involved in the signal transduction process of the cell membrane, affecting cell proliferation and differentiation (48). Techniques for studying the localization of lncRNAs include in situ hybridization (49), RNA immunoprecipitation (50), RNA-seq (51), single-cell RNA sequencing (52) and fluorescence in situ hybridization-flow cytometry (53), among others.

Classification of lncRNAs

According to a genomic database [Ensembl Release 96 (April 2019);], human lncRNAs are categorized into several types, including 3′ overlapping ncRNA, antisense lncRNA, long interspersed ncRNA, retained intron, sense intronic, sense overlapping and macro lncRNAs. Intronic lncRNAs are transcribed from the introns of protein-coding genes; however, they do not encode proteins themselves (54). Antisense lncRNAs overlap with the antisense strand of coding genes and can influence gene expression by forming double-stranded RNA structures with coding regions through complementary base pairing (55,56). Intergenic lncRNAs are located between two coding genes and may regulate the expression of nearby genes (26). Sense lncRNAs overlap with the sense strand of protein-coding genes containing exons (57). Messenger lncRNAs can act as regulatory factors involved in modulating the expression of specific genes (29). Structural lncRNAs may play crucial roles in regulating the physical structure of cells or the chromosomal architecture within the nucleus (58). The classifications of lncRNAs are shown in Table I.

Table I.

Classification of lncRNAs.

Table I.

Classification of lncRNAs.

3′ overlapping lncRNAlncRNA overlapping with the 3′ end of coding genes
Antisense lncRNAlncRNA overlapping with the antisense strand of coding genes, potentially influencing gene expression by forming double-stranded RNA structures with coding regions through complementary base pairing
Long interspersed ncRNAlncRNA interspersed throughout the genome
Retained intronlncRNA retained within intron regions
Sense intronic lncRNAlncRNA located within the intron regions of protein-coding genes, transcribed from these intronic regions, but does not itself participate in encoding proteins
Sense overlapping lncRNAlncRNA overlapping with the sense strand of protein-coding genes containing exons
Macro lncRNAsVery long ncRNA
Intergenic lncRNAlncRNA located between two coding genes, potentially playing a role in the regulation of genes in its region
Messenger lncRNAlncRNA acting as a regulatory factor, involved in regulating the expression of specific genes
Structural lncRNAlncRNA that may play an important role in the physical structure within cells or the chromosomal architecture within the nucleus

[i] lncRNA, long non-coding RNA.

Conservation of lncRNAs

Although lncRNAs are functionally important, most lncRNA sequences exhibit low conservation across different species, making it challenging to identify the same lncRNA in different species through sequence similarity. This low degree of conservation is considered to reflect the diversity and specificity of lncRNA functions, as well as their rapid evolution (41). Despite their low sequence conservation, some lncRNAs exhibit a degree of structural and functional conservation across different species. These lncRNAs may maintain similar three-dimensional structures or play roles in the same gene expression regulation pathways across species (58,59). Moreover, numerous lncRNAs exhibit strong species specificity; that is, they are expressed in certain species but not expressed in others. This species specificity suggests that lncRNAs may play specialized roles in the development and adaptation processes of specific species (41,60). The conservation level of lncRNA promoters is comparable to that of protein-coding genes (37,61).

lncRNAs as diagnostic biomarkers for CRC in the blood

Ease of acquisition and detectability are essential criteria for diagnostic biomarkers. For patients that may have early-stage CRC, the option of performing a colonoscopy to obtain tissue samples might be strongly resisted. A genome-wide analysis of lncRNA stability by Clark et al (62) revealed that most lncRNAs exhibit high stability, with some having a half-life exceeding 16 h. Additionally, lncRNAs demonstrate greater stability room temperature and greater tolerance to repeated freeze-thaw cycles, making them suitable for clinical applications. Given the long length of lncRNAs, stem-loop primers used for microRNA detection are unnecessary for lncRNA amplification (63). Therefore, biomarkers that can be detected in blood or other body fluids are ideal for broader clinical applications. Over the past decade, numerous studies have demonstrated that lncRNAs are stable in the bloodstream and possess diagnostic potential, making them promising candidates for non-invasive diagnostic tests in CRC (6467). In certain situations, lncRNAs may not be detectable in blood. These circumstances include improper sample handling (such as insufficient centrifugation, repeated freeze-thaw cycles and prolonged exposure to room temperature), inadequate storage conditions (such as failing to promptly freeze samples or maintain them at appropriate temperatures), and the use of inappropriate anticoagulants (such as heparin), leading to lncRNA degradation. Additionally, insufficient technical sensitivity and specificity can result in undetectable lncRNA levels. Furthermore, the expression levels of lncRNAs can be influenced by the stage of disease, with early-stage diseases potentially having lncRNA levels below the detection limit (63,68,69). lncRNAs are present in various body fluids, such as blood and urine, because they can traverse cellular membranes. This characteristic allows their detection in non-invasive diagnostic tests (70). lncRNAs in body fluids directly reflect the expression levels of certain genes and can distinguish between patients with cancer and healthy individuals (71). Additionally, a key feature of circulating lncRNAs is their ability to resist degradation by RNase enzymes (68,72). Apoptotic bodies, microvesicles and exosomes are vesicles encapsulated by a phospholipid bilayer containing DNA, RNA, lipids, proteins, polysaccharides and metabolites. These vesicles are released into the human circulatory system to facilitate the transfer of materials between cells (7375). Owing to its notable sensitivity and specificity, reverse transcription-quantitative PCR is frequently employed to detect circulating lncRNAs (76). CCAT1 and HOTAIR were the first lncRNA markers reported to be present at significantly higher levels in the plasma of patients with CRC than in that of healthy individuals (77). lncRNAs also exhibit CRC specificity, which is reflected mainly in the difference in the expression of certain lncRNAs in the blood of patients with CRC compared with healthy individuals or those with other gastrointestinal diseases (7880). Furthermore, these lncRNAs may be involved in key biological processes such as cell proliferation, invasion and metastasis in CRC. These findings not only contribute to understanding the molecular mechanisms of CRC but also provide new potential targets for the clinical diagnosis of CRC (8183). Numerous other circulating lncRNAs have also been identified as potential biomarkers for detecting CRC (Table II) (64,7779,80,84108).

Table II.

Studies on lncRNAs in blood as diagnostic biomarkers for CRC.

Table II.

Studies on lncRNAs in blood as diagnostic biomarkers for CRC.

First author, yearBiomarkerSample typeDiagnostic (AUC)Potential clinical diagnosis implicationNumber of cases (cancer vs. control)(Refs.)
Dong et al, 2016MAGEA3 and BCAR4 combinationSerumCombination: 0.936Distinguish patients with CRC from health controls76 vs. 76(64)
Zhao et al, 2015CCAT1, HOATIRPlasmaCCAT1: 0.836Predict different CRC stage32 vs. 32(77)
HOTAIR: 0.777
Ye et al, 2022LNCAROD, SNHG20,SerumLNCAROD: 0.74Distinguish patients with CRC from105 vs. 105(78)
LINC00534, TSPOAP-AS1 SNHG20: 0.73health controls
LINC00534: 0.73
TSPOAP-AS1: 0.63
Ye et al, 2023LncGMDS-AS1Plasma0.7211Distinguish between patients with CRC and those with gastrointestinal inflammation97 vs. 91(79)
Elabd et al, 2022ASB16-AS1 AFAP1-AS1PlasmaPlasma, ASB16-AS1:Distinguish between patients with early47 vs. 50(80)
0.974 Plasma, AFAP1-CRC and those with colonic lesions
AS1: 0.965
Barbagallo et al, 2018circHIPK3, UCA1SerumcircHIPK3: 0.771 UCA1: 0.719Distinguish patients with CRC from health controls20 vs. 20(84)
Abd El Fattah et al, 2023CCDC144NL-AS1Serum0.994Predict different CRC stage60 vs. 30(85)
Long et al, 2024circRHBDD1Serum0.76Distinguish patients with CRC from health controls24 vs. 24(86)
Dai et al, 2022EGFR-AS1Plasma0.938Distinguish patients with CRC from health controls128 vs. 64(87)
Gong et al, 2017 lncRNA-HIF1A-AS1Serum0.96Distinguish patients with CRC from health controls151 vs. 160(88)
Graham et al, 2011CRNDE-hSerum0.888Distinguish patients with CRC from health controls15 vs. 15(89)
Li et al, 2017MEG3Serum0.784To distinguish between those who respond to oxaliplatin treatment and those who do not70 vs. 70(90)
Liu et al, 2019GAS5, PVT-1, MEG3, 91H, CCAT1-LPlasmaGAS5: 0.642 PVT-1: 0.786 MEG3: 0.819 91H: 0.870 CCAT1-L: 0.748Distinguish patients with CRC from health controls58 vs. 56(91)
Liu et al, 2016CRNDE-hSerum (exosomal)0.892Distinguish patients with CRC from health controls104 vs. 44(92)
Dong et al, 2022ARSTPlasma0.934Separated patients with CRC from patients with CP, patients with colitis and patients with hemorrhoids60 vs. 60(93)
Zhang et al, 2023CACClncPlasma0.846Predict the chemotherapy effect of patients before treatment59 vs. 22(94)
El-Sheikh et al, 2023NNT-AS1Serum0.964Distinguish patients with CRC from health controls60 vs. 28(95)
Dai et al, 2017BLACAT1Serum0.858Distinguish patients with CRC from those without30 vs. 30(96)
Shaker et al, 2017HULC, CCAT2SerumHULC: 0.72 CCAT2: 0.73Distinguish patients with CRC from health controls120 vs. 96(97)
Shi et al, 2015XLOC_006844, LOC152578, XLOC_000303PlasmaXLOC_006844: 0.783 LOC152578: 0.783Distinguish patients with CRC from health controls220 vs. 180(98)
XLOC_000303: 0.891
Bakr et al, 2023TERCSerum0.982Distinguish patients with CRC from cancer-free controls70 vs. 35(99)
Salman et al, 2023ZFAS1Serum0.95Predict different CRC stage60 vs. 28(100)
Lin et al, 2022circALG1Blood0.676Distinguish patients with CRC from health controls20 vs. 15(101)
Shen et al, 2022Linc01836Serum0.809Distinguish patients with CRC from health controls137 vs. 138(102)
Wan et al, 2016HOTAIRM1Plasma0.780Distinguish patients with CRC from health controls100 vs. 67(103)
Wang et al, 2016RP11-462C24.1, LOC285194 and Nbla12061 combinationSerum Combination:0.793Distinguish patients with CRC from health controls30 vs. 31(104)
Wang et al, 2018NORADSerum0.8Distinguishing CRC from benign diseases142 vs. 136(105)
Wang et al, 2016BANCR, NR_026817, NR_029373, NR_03411SerumBANCR: 0.638Distinguish patients with CRC from120 vs. 120(106)
NR_026817: 0.708health controls
NR_029373: 0.812
NR_03411: 0.724
Wu et al, 2015NEAT1BloodNEAT1_v1: 0.787Distinguish patients with CRC from100 vs. 100(107)
NEAT1_v2:0.871health controls
Ye et al, 2016lnc-GNAT1-1Serumlnc-GNAT1-1: 0.720Distinguish patients with CRC from62 vs. 37(108)
health controls

[i] CRC, colorectal cancer.

lncRNAs as prognostic biomarkers for CRC

lncRNAs can serve as diagnostic markers for CRC, and changes in their expression can also predict patient prognosis. lncRNAs play multifaceted roles in CRC, impacting various biological processes, including cell cycle control, cell proliferation, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, migration, invasion, drug resistance, apoptosis and cellular stemness (109). These processes influence the malignancy of the tumor and ultimately affect patient prognosis. This section summarizes lncRNAs related to the prognosis of CRC and highlights their associated regulatory signaling pathways, enhancing our understanding of their mechanistic impact on the pathophysiology of CRC (Table III) (79,8183,110158).

Table III.

Studies on lncRNAs as prognostic biomarkers for colorectal cancer.

Table III.

Studies on lncRNAs as prognostic biomarkers for colorectal cancer.

First author, yearlncRNASamplePrognostic indicatorExpression and prognostic roleFunctionsRelated regulatory axes(Refs.)
Ye et al, 2023LncGMDS-AS1TissueOS DFSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation and stemnessGMDS-AS1/HuR-STAT3/ Wnt(79)
Yue et al, 2016ATBTissue, cell lineOS DFSUp-poor prognosisPromotes invasion, induces EMTE-cadherin(81)
Wang et al, 2018B3GALT5-AS1TissueOSDown-poor prognosisInhibits proliferation, promotes migration, inhibits invasion, induces EMT B3GALT5-AS1/miR-203/EMT(82)
He et al, 2014CCAT1TissueOSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation and invasionc-Myc/CCAT1(83)
Zhang et al, 2022CCDC144NL-AS1Tissue, cell lineOS DFSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation and cell cycle CCDC144NL-AS1/miR-363-3p/GALNT7(110)
Li et al, 2023CCL14-ASTissueOSDown-poor prognosisInhibits migration and invaionCCL14-AS/MEP1A(111)
Yue et al, 2018CYTORCell lineOSUp-poor prognosisPromotes migration, invasion and EMTCYTOR/β-catenin/TCF complex(112)
Li et al, 2023DICER1-AS1TissueOS DFSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation, migration and invasion DICER1-AS1/miR-650/MAPK/ERK(113)
Wang et al, 2022 ENST00000543604TissueOSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation, migration and drug resistancelncRNA 604/miRNA 564/AEG-1/EMT or lncRNA 604/ZNF326/EMT(114)
Bin et al, 2021EPB41L4A-AS1TissueOSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation, migration, invasion and EMT EPB41L4A-AS1/Rho/Rh(115)
Wu et al, 2018FAL1TissueOSUp-poor prognosisPromote proliferation, invasion and inhibits apoptosisBcl-2, TGF-β1,p65(116)
Song et al, 2022FAM222A-AS1Tissue, cell lineOS DSSUp-poor prognosisPromote proliferation, migration and invasion FAM222A-AS1/miR-let-7f/MYH9(117)
Yang L et al, 2019FAM83H-AS1TissueOSUp-poor prognosisPromotes tumorigenesisSMAD1/5/9, TGF-βsignaling(118)
Yue B et al, 2015FER1L4TissueOS DFSDown-poor prognosisInhibits proliferation, migration and invasion FER1L4/miR-106a-5p(119)
Yang X et al, 2023FEZF1-AS1TissueOSUp-poor prognosisPromote proliferation, migration and invasion FEZF1-AS1/miR-92b-3p/ZIC5(120)
Han et al, 2021 FLVCR1_x005f_x001e_AS1Tissue, cell lineOSUp-poor prognosisEnhances vitality, promotes migration and invasion FLVCR1-AS1/miR-381/RAP2A(121)
Chen et al, 2022GAS6-AS1Cell lineOSUp-poor prognosisPromote proliferation, migration, invasion and EMT GAS6-AS1/TRIM14(122)
Fang et al, 2017HNF1A-AS1TissueOS DSSUp-poor prognosisEnhances vitality, promotes migration, invasion and xenotransplantation HNF1A-AS1/miR-34a/SIRT1/p53(123)
Huang et al, 2021HOTAIRTissueOSUp-poor prognosisPromotes stemness HOTAIR/miR-211-5p/FLT-1(124)
Wu et al, 2014HOTAIRTissueMFS OSUp-poor prognosisPromotes EMTVimentin, MMP9, E-cadherin(125)
Zhang et al, 2022HOXC-AS3TissueOSDown-poor prognosisInhibits migration and invasion HOXC-AS3/miR-1269/TGF-β2(126)
Fang et al, 2022LBX2-AS1TissueMFS OSUp-poor prognosisPromote growth, proliferation, migration and inhibits invasion LBX2-AS1/miR-627-5p/RAC1/PI3K/AKT(127)
Liang et al, 2023LINC00174Tissue, cell lineOS DFSUp-poor prognosisPromote proliferation, migration, invasion and inhibits apoptosis LINC00174/miR-2467-3p/USP21(128)
Guo et al, 2024Linc00239TissueOS DFSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation, migration and invasion linc00239/miR-182-5p/MTDH(129)
Li et al, 2021LINC00485Tissue, cell lineOSDown-poor prognosisInhibits proliferation, migration and invasion LINC00485/miR-581/EDEM1(130)
Zheng et al, 2023LINC00543TissueOSUp-poor prognosisPromotes EMT and migration LINC00543/pre-miR-506-3p/FOXQ1(131)
Ren et al, 2023LINC00955TissueOSDown-poor prognosisPromotes growth TRIM25/Sp1/DNMT3B/PHIP/CDK2(132)
Liang et al, 2021LINC00958Tissue, cell lineOS DFSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation, drug resistance and growth and inhibits apoptosis LINC00958/miR-422a/MAPK1(133)
Wu et al, 2022LINC01021Tissue, cell lineOS DFSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation, colony formation, migration and inhibits apoptosis LINC021/IMP2/MSX1/JARID2(134)
Zhang et al, 2022LINC01094Tissue, cell lineOS PFSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation, migration and invasion LINC01094/miR-1266-5p(135)
Fu et al, 2021LINC01287TissueOSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation, migration, invasion and EMT LINC01287/miR-4500/MAP3K13(136)
Li et al, 2022LINC01436TissueOSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation LINC01436/miR-466(137)
Liu et al, 2020Linc01578TissueOS DSSUp-poor prognosisEnhances metastasisNF-κB, YY1(138)
Luo et al, 2022LINC01606TissueOS DFSUp-poor prognosisPromote growth, invasion and stemness LINC01606/miR-423-5p(139)
Xu et al, 2024LINC01836Tissue, cell lineOSUp-poor prognosisPromote proliferation, migration and invasion LINC01836/miR-1226-3p/SLC17A9(140)
Tian et al, 2020Linc02418TissueOSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation, migration invasion and development LINC02418/miR-34b-5p/BCL2(141)
Zhou et al, 2022MHENCRTissueOSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation, migration and invasion MHENCR/miR-532-3p(142)
Zhou et al, 2022MIR155HGTissueOSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation, migration invasion and drug resistance MIR155HG/miR-650/ANXA2(143)
Guo et al, 2021MIR31HGTissueOSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation, growth, invasion, migration and angiogenesis MIR31HG/miR-361-3p/YY1(144)
Sun et al, 2022MNX1-AS1Tissue, cell lineOSUp-poor prognosisPromotes stemness, proliferation and migration and inhibits invasion MNX1-AS1/PFIA4/AKT/HIF-1α(145)
Liu et al, 2023PROX1-AS1Tissue, cell lineOS DSSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation, migration and invasion PROX1-AS1/miR-326/FBXL20(146)
Yin et al, 2023PVT1Cell lineOSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation and migration PVT1/miR-24-3p/NRP1(147)
Zhou et al, 2016RORTissue, cell lineOS DFSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation, migration and invasion lincRNA-ROR/miR-145(148)
Pu et al, 2022SKAP1Tissue, cell lineOS DFSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation, migration and invasion THUMPD3-AS1/miR-218-5p/SKAP(149)
Zhang et al, 2022SLCO4A1-AS1TissueOS DFSUp-poor prognosisPromotes growth SLCO4A1-AS1/Hsp90/Cdk2/c-Myc(150)
Jiang et al, 2018SNHG15Cell lineOSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation and migrationSlug(151)
Xiang et al, 2022SNHG16Cell lineOS PFSUp-poor prognosisPromotes colony formation, proliferation, migration, invasion and EMT SNHG16/YAP1/TEAD1(152)
Bian et al, 2021SNHG17TissueOS DFSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation and migration SNHG17/miR-339-5p/FOSL2(153)
Zhao et al, 2023SOX9-4Tissue, cell lineOSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation and migration Lnc-SOX9-4/YBX1(154)
Fang et al, 2022SPINT1-AS1Cell lineOSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation and migration and inhibits apoptosis SPINT1-AS1/miR-214/HDGF(155)
Zhou et al, 2022STEAP3-AS1TissueOSUp-poor prognosisPromotes proliferation and migration STEAP3-AS1/STEAP3/Wnt/β-catenin(156)
Li et al, 2022USP30-AS1TissueOSDown-poor prognosisInhibits development USP30-AS1/miR-765(157)
Ma et al, 2022XLOC_006390Tissue, cell lineOSUp-poor prognosisInhibits apoptosis, promotes migration and invasion XLOC_006390/miR-296/ONECUT2(158)

[i] lncRNA, long non-coding RNA; OS, overall survival; DFS, disease-free survival; EMT, epithelial to mesenchymal transition; DSS, disease-specific survival; MFS, metastatic-free survival.


CRC poses significant global health challenges and is characterized by high mortality rates, particularly when it is diagnosed at advanced stages. Improving treatment success and patient survival hinges on the development of reliable early detection biomarkers. In recent years, researchers have increasingly explored the potential of lncRNAs as non-invasive molecular biomarkers in CRC.

lncRNAs exhibit diverse functions in CRC, influencing processes such as cell cycle regulation, proliferation, apoptosis and metastasis. By acting as ceRNAs, they modulate the expression of specific miRNAs and downstream targets while also exerting control over gene expression through mechanisms such as transcriptional regulation, mRNA stability and translation. Interactions with RNA, DNA and proteins enable lncRNAs to form complex regulatory networks that impact CRC initiation and progression.

Owing to their stability in blood and potential for early detection, lncRNAs represent promising non-invasive biomarkers for CRC. Research highlights their pivotal roles in regulating pathological processes associated with CRC, including the modulation of cancer cell aggressiveness and metastatic potential through specific regulatory axes.

In conclusion, the study of lncRNAs offers novel insights into the molecular mechanisms of CRC and has potential to guide the development of innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. Further investigations are essential for delineating their precise functions in CRC and exploring their clinical applications with the ultimate goals of increasing treatment efficacy and improving survival outcomes for patients with CRC.


Not applicable.


The present study was supported by the Xiamen Medical and Health Guidance Project (grant no. 3502Z20224ZD1116).

Availability of data and materials

Not applicable.

Authors' contributions

YuL designed and supervised the study, collected and analyzed data, wrote and revised the manuscript, acquired funding, performed project administration and guidance. WZ, RP, ZL, HX and YiL collected data and revised the manuscript. ZZ conducted project administration, supervised the study and provided guidance, wrote and revised the manuscript and participated in data collection and organisation. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript. Data authentication is not applicable.

Ethics approval and consent to participate

Not applicable.

Patient consent for publication

Not applicable.

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.



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Lin Y, Zhao W, Pu R, Lv Z, Xie H, Li Y and Zhang Z: Long non‑coding RNAs as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for colorectal cancer (Review). Oncol Lett 28: 486, 2024.
Lin, Y., Zhao, W., Pu, R., Lv, Z., Xie, H., Li, Y., & Zhang, Z. (2024). Long non‑coding RNAs as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for colorectal cancer (Review). Oncology Letters, 28, 486.
Lin, Y., Zhao, W., Pu, R., Lv, Z., Xie, H., Li, Y., Zhang, Z."Long non‑coding RNAs as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for colorectal cancer (Review)". Oncology Letters 28.4 (2024): 486.
Lin, Y., Zhao, W., Pu, R., Lv, Z., Xie, H., Li, Y., Zhang, Z."Long non‑coding RNAs as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for colorectal cancer (Review)". Oncology Letters 28, no. 4 (2024): 486.