Recombinant Lz-8 from Ganoderma lucidum induces endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated autophagic cell death in SGC-7901 human gastric cancer cells

  • Authors:
    • Chongyang Liang
    • Hongrui Li
    • Hui Zhou
    • Shuqin Zhang
    • Zhiyi Liu
    • Qiuli Zhou
    • Fei Sun
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: December 14, 2011
  • Pages: 1079-1089
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In Asia, the mushroom of the fungus Ganoderma lucidum has been widely used as a traditional medicine for the past two millennia. The aim of this study was to investigate the anticancer activity of recombinant Lz-8 (rLz-8), a protein belonging to a family of fungal immunomodulatory proteins. We report that rLz-8 induces endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-mediated autophagic cell death in the human gastric cancer cell line SGC-7901. Our results show that rLz-8 induces autophagic cell death by aggregating in the ER, triggering ER stress and the ATF4-CHOP pathway. A foreign protein, in the ER rLz-8 causes the activation of the ubiquitine/proteasome ER-associated degradation (ERAD) system. The autophagic arm of this system is then overstimulated by an excessive abundance of rLz-8 and causes the cell’s death through an over-autophagic response. We also found that caspase inhibitors do not prevent rLz-8-induced cell death, and therefore the autophagic response induced by rLz-8 is independent of caspase activation.
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April 2012
Volume 27 Issue 4

Print ISSN: 1021-335X
Online ISSN:1791-2431

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Spandidos Publications style
Liang C, Li H, Zhou H, Zhang S, Liu Z, Zhou Q and Sun F: Recombinant Lz-8 from Ganoderma lucidum induces endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated autophagic cell death in SGC-7901 human gastric cancer cells. Oncol Rep 27: 1079-1089, 2012.
Liang, C., Li, H., Zhou, H., Zhang, S., Liu, Z., Zhou, Q., & Sun, F. (2012). Recombinant Lz-8 from Ganoderma lucidum induces endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated autophagic cell death in SGC-7901 human gastric cancer cells. Oncology Reports, 27, 1079-1089.
Liang, C., Li, H., Zhou, H., Zhang, S., Liu, Z., Zhou, Q., Sun, F."Recombinant Lz-8 from Ganoderma lucidum induces endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated autophagic cell death in SGC-7901 human gastric cancer cells". Oncology Reports 27.4 (2012): 1079-1089.
Liang, C., Li, H., Zhou, H., Zhang, S., Liu, Z., Zhou, Q., Sun, F."Recombinant Lz-8 from Ganoderma lucidum induces endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated autophagic cell death in SGC-7901 human gastric cancer cells". Oncology Reports 27, no. 4 (2012): 1079-1089.