Cancer predisposing BARD1 mutations affect exon skipping and are associated with overexpression of specific BARD1 isoforms

  • Authors:
    • Magdalena Ratajska
    • Magdalena Matusiak
    • Alina Kuzniacka
    • Bartosz Wasag
    • Izabela Brozek
    • Wojciech Biernat
    • Magdalena Koczkowska
    • Jaroslaw Debniak
    • Marcin Sniadecki
    • Piotr Kozlowski
    • Katarzyna Klonowska
    • Maxim Pilyugin
    • Dariusz Wydra
    • Geoff Laurent
    • Janusz Limon
    • Irmgard Irminger-Finger
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: September 1, 2015
  • Pages: 2609-2617
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BARD1 is the main binding partner of BRCA1 and is required for its stability and tumor-suppressor functions. In breast cancer and other epithelial cell carcinomas, alternatively spliced isoforms of BARD1 are highly upregulated and correlated with poor outcome. Recent data indicate that germline mutations of BARD1 may predispose to breast and/or ovarian cancer. To evaluate the role of BARD1 germline mutations in predisposition to ovarian cancer we scanned a cohort of 255 patients for the presence of previously reported mutations located in exons 5, 8 and 10 using high-resolution melting analysis. Within this group we identified single-patients carrying mutation in exon 8 (c.1690C>T, p.Gln564Ter), two different variants in exon 10 (c.1972C>T, p.Arg658Tyr; c.1977A>G, p.=) and a carrier of novel missense mutation located in exon 5 (c.1361C>T, p.Pro454Leu). Three out of four identified mutations alter exonic splicing enhancing motives and result in expression of incorrect splicing skipping of exons 5, 8, and 2-9, respectively. Our data indicate that BARD1 variants may predispose to ovarian cancer in limited number of patients although based on actual data it is difficult to estimate its actual penetrance.
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Volume 34 Issue 5

Print ISSN: 1021-335X
Online ISSN:1791-2431

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Spandidos Publications style
Ratajska M, Matusiak M, Kuzniacka A, Wasag B, Brozek I, Biernat W, Koczkowska M, Debniak J, Sniadecki M, Kozlowski P, Kozlowski P, et al: Cancer predisposing BARD1 mutations affect exon skipping and are associated with overexpression of specific BARD1 isoforms. Oncol Rep 34: 2609-2617, 2015.
Ratajska, M., Matusiak, M., Kuzniacka, A., Wasag, B., Brozek, I., Biernat, W. ... Irminger-Finger, I. (2015). Cancer predisposing BARD1 mutations affect exon skipping and are associated with overexpression of specific BARD1 isoforms. Oncology Reports, 34, 2609-2617.
Ratajska, M., Matusiak, M., Kuzniacka, A., Wasag, B., Brozek, I., Biernat, W., Koczkowska, M., Debniak, J., Sniadecki, M., Kozlowski, P., Klonowska, K., Pilyugin, M., Wydra, D., Laurent, G., Limon, J., Irminger-Finger, I."Cancer predisposing BARD1 mutations affect exon skipping and are associated with overexpression of specific BARD1 isoforms". Oncology Reports 34.5 (2015): 2609-2617.
Ratajska, M., Matusiak, M., Kuzniacka, A., Wasag, B., Brozek, I., Biernat, W., Koczkowska, M., Debniak, J., Sniadecki, M., Kozlowski, P., Klonowska, K., Pilyugin, M., Wydra, D., Laurent, G., Limon, J., Irminger-Finger, I."Cancer predisposing BARD1 mutations affect exon skipping and are associated with overexpression of specific BARD1 isoforms". Oncology Reports 34, no. 5 (2015): 2609-2617.