IL-6 mediates the signal pathway of JAK-STAT3-VEGF-C promoting growth, invasion and lymphangiogenesis in gastric cancer

  • Authors:
    • Guibin Zhao
    • Guangwei Zhu
    • Yongjian Huang
    • Wei Zheng
    • Jin Hua
    • Shugang Yang
    • Jinfu Zhuang
    • Jianxin Ye
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: January 5, 2016
  • Pages: 1787-1795
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Gastric cancer shows the highest invasive and metastasis features, especially lymph metastasis, which is closely associated with poor prognosis of gastric cancer. Although there is evidence that interleukin-6 (IL-6) can promote gastric cancer progression, the underlying specific mechanisms and the mechanisms of gastric cancer lymphangiogenesis are largely unknown. In the present study, we explore whether IL-6 could promote the proliferation and invasion activity of gastric cancer cells, and whether IL-6 mediating VEGF-C production affected the lymphangiogenesis in gastric cancer cells. Our results revealed that IL-6 and its receptors (IL-6 and gp130) are broadly expressed in various gastric cancer cell lines including SGC-7901, MGC, MKN-28 and AGS. Exogenous IL-6 increased the ability of gastric cancer cell proliferation and invasion, which could be weakened by AG490. in addition, exogenous IL-6 promoted the VEGF-C production of gastric cancer cells and the lymphangiogenesis of HDLECs. As we expected, AG490 was able to reduce these effects. Western blot analysis showed that IL-6 increased JKA, STAT3, p-STAT3 and VEGF-C protein levels in the gastric cancer cells. However, the JKA, STAT3, p-STAT3 and VEGF-C protein expression levels were inhibited by AG490. Our data suggested that IL-6 mediates the singnal pathway of JAK-STAT3-VEGF-C promoting the growth, invasion and lymphangiogenesis in gastric cancer. Thus, IL-6 and its related signal pathways may be a promising target for treatment of gastric cancer growth and lymphangiogenesis.
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Volume 35 Issue 3

Print ISSN: 1021-335X
Online ISSN:1791-2431

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Spandidos Publications style
Zhao G, Zhu G, Huang Y, Zheng W, Hua J, Yang S, Zhuang J and Ye J: IL-6 mediates the signal pathway of JAK-STAT3-VEGF-C promoting growth, invasion and lymphangiogenesis in gastric cancer. Oncol Rep 35: 1787-1795, 2016.
Zhao, G., Zhu, G., Huang, Y., Zheng, W., Hua, J., Yang, S. ... Ye, J. (2016). IL-6 mediates the signal pathway of JAK-STAT3-VEGF-C promoting growth, invasion and lymphangiogenesis in gastric cancer. Oncology Reports, 35, 1787-1795.
Zhao, G., Zhu, G., Huang, Y., Zheng, W., Hua, J., Yang, S., Zhuang, J., Ye, J."IL-6 mediates the signal pathway of JAK-STAT3-VEGF-C promoting growth, invasion and lymphangiogenesis in gastric cancer". Oncology Reports 35.3 (2016): 1787-1795.
Zhao, G., Zhu, G., Huang, Y., Zheng, W., Hua, J., Yang, S., Zhuang, J., Ye, J."IL-6 mediates the signal pathway of JAK-STAT3-VEGF-C promoting growth, invasion and lymphangiogenesis in gastric cancer". Oncology Reports 35, no. 3 (2016): 1787-1795.