Kenalog modified by ionizing radiation induces intrinsic apoptosis mediated by elevated levels of reactive oxygen species in melanoma cancer

  • Authors:
    • Remigius Ambrose Kawala
    • Fatuma Jumapili Ramadhani
    • Hyo Jin Choi
    • Eun‑Hee Lee
    • Chul‑Hong Park
    • Byung Yeoup Chung
    • Hyoung‑Woo Bai
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: December 19, 2018
  • Pages: 1837-1850
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Kenalog is a synthetic glucocorticoid drug used to treat various cancers including ocular and choroidal melanoma. However, the drug achieves rarely sustainable results for patients. To overcome this difficulty, the structure of Kenalog was altered by ionizing radiation (IR) to develop a more effective anticancer agent for treatment of various skin cancers. The anticancer effect of modified Kenalog (Kenalog‑IR) was assessed in melanoma cancer cells in vitro. The assessment of mitochondrial functions by MTT assay revealed significant inhibition of melanoma cancer cell viability by Kenalog‑IR compared to Kenalog. Moreover, Kenalog‑IR‑induced apoptotic cell death was associated with the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway by triggering the release of intrinsic apoptosis molecules through activation of caspase‑related molecules in concentration and time‑dependent manners. Furthermore, it was observed that Kenalog‑IR‑induced apoptosis was associated with the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) with increased G2/M cell cycle arrest. Collectively, Kenalog‑IR may be a potential suppressor of skin‑related cancer in particular melanoma cancer.
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Volume 41 Issue 3

Print ISSN: 1021-335X
Online ISSN:1791-2431

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Spandidos Publications style
Kawala RA, Ramadhani FJ, Choi HJ, Lee EH, Park CH, Chung BY and Bai HW: Kenalog modified by ionizing radiation induces intrinsic apoptosis mediated by elevated levels of reactive oxygen species in melanoma cancer. Oncol Rep 41: 1837-1850, 2019.
Kawala, R.A., Ramadhani, F.J., Choi, H.J., Lee, E., Park, C., Chung, B.Y., & Bai, H. (2019). Kenalog modified by ionizing radiation induces intrinsic apoptosis mediated by elevated levels of reactive oxygen species in melanoma cancer. Oncology Reports, 41, 1837-1850.
Kawala, R. A., Ramadhani, F. J., Choi, H. J., Lee, E., Park, C., Chung, B. Y., Bai, H."Kenalog modified by ionizing radiation induces intrinsic apoptosis mediated by elevated levels of reactive oxygen species in melanoma cancer". Oncology Reports 41.3 (2019): 1837-1850.
Kawala, R. A., Ramadhani, F. J., Choi, H. J., Lee, E., Park, C., Chung, B. Y., Bai, H."Kenalog modified by ionizing radiation induces intrinsic apoptosis mediated by elevated levels of reactive oxygen species in melanoma cancer". Oncology Reports 41, no. 3 (2019): 1837-1850.