Preservation of fertility in patients with cancer (Review)

  • Authors:
    • Sofía Del‑Pozo‑Lérida
    • Cristina Salvador
    • Fina Martínez‑Soler
    • Avelina Tortosa
    • Manuel Perucho
    • Pepita Giménez‑Bonafé
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: March 14, 2019
  • Pages: 2607-2614
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Survival rates in oncological patients have been steadily increasing in recent years due to the greater effectiveness of novel oncological treatments, such as radio‑ and chemotherapy. However, these treatments impair the reproductive ability of patients, and may cause premature ovarian failure in females and azoospermia in males. Fertility preservation in both female and male oncological patients is nowadays possible and should be integrated as part of the oncological healthcare. The main objective of this review was to describe the different existing options of fertility preservation in patients undergoing gonadotoxic cancer treatments, as well as the differences in success rates that may appear in the different techniques evaluated. Emerging techniques are promising, such as the cryopreservation in orthotopic models of ovarian or testicle tissues, artificial ovaries, or in vitro culture prior to the autotransplantation of cryopreserved tissues. However, oocyte vitrification for female patients and sperm banking for male patients are considered the first line fertility preservation option at the present time for cancer patients undergoing treatment. Certainly, new fertility preservation techniques will continue to develop in the following years. However, despite the growing advances in the subject, optimal counselling from healthcare professionals should always be present.
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Volume 41 Issue 5

Print ISSN: 1021-335X
Online ISSN:1791-2431

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Del‑Pozo‑Lérida S, Salvador C, Martínez‑Soler F, Tortosa A, Perucho M and Giménez‑Bonafé P: Preservation of fertility in patients with cancer (Review). Oncol Rep 41: 2607-2614, 2019.
Del‑Pozo‑Lérida, S., Salvador, C., Martínez‑Soler, F., Tortosa, A., Perucho, M., & Giménez‑Bonafé, P. (2019). Preservation of fertility in patients with cancer (Review). Oncology Reports, 41, 2607-2614.
Del‑Pozo‑Lérida, S., Salvador, C., Martínez‑Soler, F., Tortosa, A., Perucho, M., Giménez‑Bonafé, P."Preservation of fertility in patients with cancer (Review)". Oncology Reports 41.5 (2019): 2607-2614.
Del‑Pozo‑Lérida, S., Salvador, C., Martínez‑Soler, F., Tortosa, A., Perucho, M., Giménez‑Bonafé, P."Preservation of fertility in patients with cancer (Review)". Oncology Reports 41, no. 5 (2019): 2607-2614.