Enhanced therapeutic effect of amsalog (CI-921) in combination with cisplatin in vitro and in vivo
- Authors:
- Published online on: November 1, 1996 https://doi.org/10.3892/or.3.6.1153
- Pages: 1153-1159
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CI-921, the 5-methyl-4-carboxamide analog of amsacrine, in combination with cisplatin produced a 6-fold better cell kill in vitro than expected based on additive effects. The combination of CI-921 and cisplatin was subsequently evaluated in three in vivo model systems: intraperitoneally (TP) and intravenously (IV) implanted P388 leukemia, and advanced stage subcutaneously (SC) implanted LC-12 squamous cell carcinoma. All drug treatments were administered IP on an intermittent treatment schedule which was optimal for both agents. Combination therapy was superior to therapy with the best single agent alone, CI-921, in all three model systems. Against IP implanted P388 leukemia, combination therapy produced greater than 8 logs of net tumor cell kill with 60-day survivors (cures). This level of activity was 50-fold greater (1.7 log) than that obtained with CI-921 alone. An IV implant of P388 leukemia was used in a confirmatory study to provide a more rigorous evaluation against disseminated disease. Combination therapy against IV implanted P388 leukemia produced greater than 7.7 logs of net tumor cell kill, which was 630-fold greater (2.8 logs) than that obtained with CI-921 therapy alone. Against advanced stage LC-12 (200-1000 mg tumors at initial treatment), combination therapy improved tumor cell kill by 0.6 log (4-fold) over that obtained with CI-921 therapy alone and also produced greater numbers of 120-day survivors than did single agent therapy with CI-921. The combination of carboplatin and CI-921 was also evaluated against IV implanted P388 leukemia to determine if the enhanced therapeutic effect of CI-921 and cisplatin could be extended to include CI-921 and carboplatin. Combination therapy with CI-921 and carboplatin increased net log tumor cell kill by 0.8 and 1.5 log in two separate tests (6- and 32-fold, respectively) over that obtained with CI-921 therapy alone. The data indicate that combination therapy with CI-921 and platinum containing anticancer agents may have clinical application.