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Analysis of the association of diabetes mellitus with cancer using autopsy records

  • Authors:
    • Ryuichi Wada
    • Sotai Kimura
    • Shoko Kure
    • Kousuke Ishino
    • Mitsuhiro Kudo
    • Zenya Naito
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: May 19, 2020
  • Article Number: 11
  • Copyright: © Wada et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.

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In the present study, the association of diabetes mellitus (DM) with cancer was investigated using autopsy records. Among the 83,829 autopsy records between the years 2005 and 2009, 74,869 cases ≥40 years were eligible for the analysis. The cases with DM and cancers were selected, and the risk of cancer was estimated as the odds ratio (OR) by logistic regression analysis with the adjustment of age. Among the 74,869 cases, there were 49,676 males and 25,193 females. DM was noted in 4,901 males (9.9%) and 2,066 females (8.2%). In the liver, the OR for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) was increased to 1.25 (95% confidence interval (CI), 1.12-1.39, P<0.001) and to 1.22 (95% CI, 1.00-1.49, P<0.05) in males and females with DM, respectively. The ORs for invasive ductal carcinoma of the pancreas, cancers of the thyroid and kidney were not increased, and the ORs for cancers of the lung, stomach, colon/rectum, biliary tract, prostate, breast and uterus appeared to be decreased. The analyzed autopsy cases corresponded to only 1.4% of deceased individuals aged ≥40 years, and the ORs for cancers in DM estimated using the autopsy records may warrant a careful consideration. To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the first to confirm the increased OR for HCC in DM by a cross-sectional analysis using autopsy records.
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July-August 2020
Volume 2 Issue 4

Print ISSN: 2632-2900
Online ISSN:2632-2919

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Spandidos Publications style
Wada R, Kimura S, Kure S, Ishino K, Kudo M and Naito Z: Analysis of the association of diabetes mellitus with cancer using autopsy records. World Acad Sci J 2: 11, 2020.
Wada, R., Kimura, S., Kure, S., Ishino, K., Kudo, M., & Naito, Z. (2020). Analysis of the association of diabetes mellitus with cancer using autopsy records. World Academy of Sciences Journal, 2, 11.
Wada, R., Kimura, S., Kure, S., Ishino, K., Kudo, M., Naito, Z."Analysis of the association of diabetes mellitus with cancer using autopsy records". World Academy of Sciences Journal 2.4 (2020): 11.
Wada, R., Kimura, S., Kure, S., Ishino, K., Kudo, M., Naito, Z."Analysis of the association of diabetes mellitus with cancer using autopsy records". World Academy of Sciences Journal 2, no. 4 (2020): 11.